Thursday, May 31, 2012

Can You Lose Weight by Eating Salads?

Paleo Weight Loss :

Are salads the key to losing weight? Find out in this article.

Can You Lose Weight by Eating Salads?

Maybe you've heard of someone who lost a lot of weight by eating mainly salads? Did they manage to keep it off? Did they suffer a lot? Let's find out.

Benefits Of Salads

The main benefit of eating salads to lose weight is that they contain hardly any calories and yet fill you up. You can eat a huge chunk of green leaves and it might give you barely 20 calories or about 1% of what a woman needs to eat every day.

If you add dressing to this then be prepared for a whole load more hidden calories.

The Problem With Salads

Salads are great as an alternative side to more calorific sides like fries, but on their own they are not a way to lose a lot of weight.

I do not recommend eating a lot of salads in order to lose weight. Salads as part of a balanced diet are great, however.

The problem with salads is that they provide a little but not much nutritional value. If you want to get nutrients from plants then you are better of eating something like broccoli or root vegetables.

And a diet plan composed mainly of salads will leave you severely malnutritioned and without enough calories. Your muscles will waste away. Don't do it!

A Better Diet

A better way to eat is to incorporate salads into a normal healthy diet. So, if you have a meat dish (lean meat preferred) then use salads as a side on the plate instead of some greasy alternative.

If you want a low calorie food that is packed with nutrition then you are better off eating more fruits. If you eat an abundance of different fruits you can actually live forever this way and a few people choose to do so.

I don't know a single person who has tried to live on salads and been successful!

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A High Protein Diet Plan For Healthy Weight Loss

Paleo Weight Loss :

High protein diet plans have always been popular with athletes and are now increasing in popularity among regular dieters.

A High Protein Diet Plan For Healthy Weight Loss

While normal people who do not exercise can eat moderately high amounts of protein foods, athletes and people on muscle building diets should eat at least 1 gram per lb of bodyweight in order to build muscle. A high protein diet plan is followed by bodybuilders. Bodybuilding athletes always include a high protein food source in their daily diet.

Whether you need to lose weight or want to build muscle, a diet plan with plenty of protein will help you achieve your goal. Consuming high amounts of protein and low amounts of carbohydrate allow for a slow burning of energy and maintain stable blood sugar levels. This maintains a healthy pancreas and assists in maintaining healthy weight. Whereas diets high in carbohydrates have been linked to obesity, low-carb, diets with plenty of protein have been found to support weight loss.

Protein is the fuel for muscle building. During weightlifting and intensive training, muscle tissue breaks down. In order to rebuild that tissue we need to be on a high protein diet plan. If your goal is fat loss, a high protein diet is also very important. Most high protein diets are also low in carbohydrates and saturated fats. To accelerate weight loss, you need to reduce carbohydrates and lower the calorie intake. A high protein diet plan can help you to do this. The total amount of protein consumed should be spread over 5 to 6 meals throughout the course of a day.

The times of day you eat protein foods is important. Eat protein foods at breakfast, before a work out and for your evening meal. A good higher protein diet plan will include a good, breakfast high in protein. Immediately after a work out drink a protein shake or drink to assist with quick muscle repair. A protein meal (slow digesting form of protein) before bed, might seem strange but it provides a slow release of high quality amino acids while you sleep.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weight Loss Meal Plan: How to Begin

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The basic approach to any weight loss meal plan is to select the foods carefully so that you do not consume more calories than you can burn off in a given day. Starving yourself will not solve the problem or help you lose weight because the body tends to save more fat if it detects that you are entering a state of starvation. You need to change things and follow a few guidelines to lose weight while staying lean and strong. Here are some tips.

Weight Loss Meal Plan: How to Begin

Knowing Your Body

The weight loss meal plan should be created based on your specific body type, daily routine, physical condition and abilities and needs. The body has an innate tendency to survive, so if you eat too few calories, the body will save fat for self-preservation. Leptin is a hormone in the body that triggers fat and weight loss. Leptin levels need to stay normal or high for the body to continuously burn fat. If leptin levels are low, in the case of strict dieting or long term fasting, the body will store fat and burn muscle instead. It's important to choose healthy foods for your weight loss meal plan that will meet the caloric requirements, as well as fill in the needed amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Setting Goals

To start the weight loss meal plan, calculate your basal metabolic rate and daily caloric requirement. There are special calculators online that will show you these figures. To lose weight, you can begin with a caloric deficit of 500 from the results of your daily caloric requirement. For example, if your daily caloric requirement is 2000 calories, the weight loss meal plan should total 1500 calories a day only. Counting your calories is the right scientific and methodological approach to burn fat the right way.

Plan the Meals

How many meals can you afford to eat each day? Consider your daily job or activities then divide the meals accordingly. For your planned intake of 1500 calories per day, you can choose to eat three meals, each consisting of 500 calories or two meals, each with 750 calories and so on. The important thing is eating when you can and not skipping meals. It is even acceptable to have a weight loss meal plan consisting only of a single meal per day, provided you can stave off hunger and avoid cravings until your next meal.

Choosing the Items

Choose food items that you can continue to eat for the long term. Be realistic and feel free to add seasonings, flavors and other ingredients to improve the taste. Choose low-calorie and low-fat foods like chicken or fish, a lot of vegetables like broccoli, lettuce and spinach and fruits like apples, oranges and bananas. Stay away from visible fats and processed food and drinks as much as possible. Try to prepare the weight loss meal plan using natural foods instead of those that come in a can or bottle. Make the dietary changes a lifestyle and set long term goals. Change things as needed.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Weight Loss- The Best Times To Eat

Paleo Weight Loss :

When I was finishing college, eating was not a planned event for me. I ate because I got hungry; and sometimes the eating part could not happen until hours after the whole hungry thing. It was a cycle that seemed too difficult to regulate - however, anyone can create an eating schedule for him or her self. There are things to keep in mind (or in your purse, backpack or briefcase, for that matter) which will help to begin with.

Weight Loss- The Best Times To Eat

Getting hungry does not have to hold you back, especially if you are prepared for it. Doing something as simple as carrying a snack with you when you are away from home is a great place to start. This is a particularly great idea when you have trouble regulating your eating because of a busy or sporadic schedule. In order to survive, there are restrictions put on everyone's life. For example: you must be here at a certain time, you must have a certain task completed in a certain time-frame and so on.

Perhaps you don't have time to sit and wait in a fast food drive through line, or perhaps that is exactly your problem. If you only have time to go grab something from the local burger joint and eat it quick before the next big thing, you may not be starving, but you do not have much control over how healthy you are eating. Especially if you want to loose weight, both starving your self until you have the time to eat, as well as eating mostly unhealthy foods (such as fast food and snack foods) are unwise eating habits.

The most traditional way to eat is three times per day. We even have names for these specific times throughout the day that everyone's stomach should keep. However, we ignore our stomach sometimes, and this tends to make us unhealthy. The first meal of your day should be right before you begin your day. Many people will exercise, or perhaps drink his or her coffee, and do other things to prepare for his or her day, and completely forget to have an actual meal.

The second meal of your day is also frequently skipped. There are supposed to be times set aside for midday meals for every worker at any full-time job, nonetheless, a lot of people feel high amounts of stress and a need to "catch up" that overwhelms his or her basic need to go get a sandwich. As a matter of fact, as much as many people believe they just can not spare a single second, your brain works much less effectively when it is deprived of the nutrients we are meant to consume. Taking vitamins is an alternative that many people try, but no matter how many vitamin pills you take they work better in your body when they are naturally consumed. In addition, swallowing pills would never satisfy a healthy hunger.

The last meal is after your day (if you have a short or "normal" nine-to-five work day). This meal gets pushed aside, pushed away or pushed out all together when some people have later and even more demanding schedules. Many of these people will eat a huge meal at the end of the day, if he or she goes to bed right away, it is even less healthy. But "fasting" all day and then consuming huge portions of food will confuse the body. To put it simple, gorging once daily will not help anyone loose weight.

Then, of course, there all the people who have the opposite problem, they have (as Mother once told me) one meal a day . . . all day long. You do not have to be unemployed, a stay-at-home mom, or depressed to be eating this kind of all day meal. Often, a person who eats all day will eat unhealthy foods. Eat all day. This is a mixed kind of eating habit it can be defined as neither good nor bad without the details. The conditions are simple: What do you eat? How much do you eat? How frequently are you eating? How consistently?

If someone keeps a bag of chips or a box of cookies in their desk drawer, or beside their computer, and runs back and forth from the vending machine drinking regular sodas all day he or she is definitely worse-off. Don't let that little welcoming bowl of caramels invite your fingers in all day. Your blood sugar levels will rise, but then blood sugar levels will drop again quickly when you are snacking on sweets. Carbohydrates allow a little more time, but proteins will keep the body from needing more food much more efficiently. In other words, you won't need (or feel the need) to eat again for longer.

Any meats will do, but healthier choices for a protein source are things like beans, chicken, and tuna. Of course, it is a great idea to keep protein bars with you at the office, (or wherever you work and / or study) but crackers are better than chips, fruit instead of cookies etc. Small steps are very important for your health.

If you just need something to munch on, there are healthy foods with virtually no fats and / or sugars that you can eat. Or just begin with something other than candy, cake or fries for goodness sake, now that we know so much about health and diet. Any habits are hard to break, but when it comes to your health . . . it is very important to try.

The biggest catch is that you should be eating the right foods, and another (though not as important) variable is when you eat your meals. Many people have a "cut-off" time, after which he or she will not eat anything, because one's metabolism slows when one is sleeping, which means that the body will retain more fats and calories.

But what foods should you eat? This varies a little bit, of course, from individual to individual. There are considerations, however, that will alter your personal diet such as allergies to certain foods and your needs for more or less of a specific kind of food. For example: if you are anemic, you will need more proteins. If you are very active you will need more carbohydrates and / or electrolytes.

If you are a candidate for a diabetic condition, please be careful. Diabetes is an unfortunate disease (of course, virtually all are) to avoid it is very important - and often risk can be determined by genetics, or, family history. No individual nutrient, dietary supplement or kind of healthy food you like includes all of the nutrition the body needs. Therefore, you should eat a variety of foods (diabetic potential, or condition, or neither) containing the balance of nutrients we need. Here are four basic examples are carbohydrates, fats, fiber, and proteins - not to mention additional vitamins and minerals from natural produce, dietary supplements, vitamins, etcetera.

Carbohydrates provide energy and most importantly, they will replenish the energy you burn if you have an active life. Fat is a nutrient that your body can not do without. Nonetheless, fats are virtually universally known to be bad if taken in excess. You must be sure to consume enough fats, but you must also be sure to not consume too many fats. Fiber is very important, it will help to lower blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels and help keep the digestive tract cleaner and, it will work more efficiently. Protein is essential for growing in general, including the continued strengthening and function of the vital organs.

The good news for you if you are an all day eater is that nutritionists often recommend that someone (especially someone who wants to loose weight) eat five or six small meals during the day as opposed to the regular, traditional three meals a day. Doing so will help you maintain portion control. In other words, you will naturally eat smaller portions because your stomach will be smaller (literally) you will become full more quickly, and you will not get as hungry between meals.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Beyonce's Master Cleanser Recipe For Rapid Weight Loss

Paleo Weight Loss :

Beyonce did a live confession on Opera that she lost 22 pounds in 14 days with the Master Cleanser recipe. Robin Quivers lost 70 lbs in an extended version of the Master Cleanser recipe. Since then, this detox program has helped more individuals to lose weight quickly than any other weight loss program in the market.

The Beyonce's Master Cleanser Recipe For Rapid Weight Loss

So you might ask what exactly the Master Cleanser recipe is. Invented in 1941 by natural health enthusiast, Stanley Burroughs, the Master Cleanser recipe was intended for detoxification, to cleanse the body of deadly toxins. However, many experience rapid weight loss during the detox process.

The Master Cleanser recipe and ingredients are as follows:

- 2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice - This lemon juice must be freshly squeezed. Canned juice will only erase most of the benefits of the diet because it usually contains a lot of sugar and other additives. Fresh, natural, organic lemon juice is ideal.

- 2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup - It is best to avoid imitation maple syrup for it contains additives and lacks the nutrients the body needs.

- 1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper - This may be a turn off to most people who are worried about how it will make the drink taste, but the lemon juice and syrup counteract the taste of the pepper.  There are really no limitations on the cayenne pepper since when you buy it it is in its purest form.

- 10 oz of filtered water - Filtered water or bottled water is better to use than tap water because of all the contaminants in tap water.

Is the Master Cleanser Recipe safe? The all-natural, organic ingredients cause no harm to the body. Furthermore, health expert, Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of the Discovery Channel's, "The Truth About Foods" announced on Opera his findings that the program is not only safe but effective in helping anyone lose weight and detox. Similar claims of the effectiveness and safeness are further substantiate by Mayo Clinic's Dr. Michael Picco as well.

You might be tempted to take the Master Cleanser recipe and try it the next day which often leads to mediocre or even poor results. You see, knowing the recipe and doing it are slightly different things. If you desire to get concrete, good results right from your very first try, I suggest you take the advice of veteran Master Cleanser, Katie Jones.

She has helped many individuals to prep, do and finish the program with ease. Her best-selling "Master Cleanse Insider" is used by newbie and veteran Master Cleansers before they start on the 10 day cleanse program.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

The Truth About Fat Burning Furnace - Does the FBF Weight Loss Plan Really Work?

Paleo Weight Loss :

In a world where people are all looking to be fit and healthy, any option that seems like an "easy way out" is almost always automatically assumed to be false. People generally think that weight loss and fitness programs, like Fat Burning Furnace, are scams - riddled with false claims and promises and producing nothing but disappointment in the end.

The Truth About Fat Burning Furnace - Does the FBF Weight Loss Plan Really Work?

And with all the scams that are truly out there, who wouldn't be doubtful? This has all cultivated a mentality of distrust and skepticism.

As a reader, are almost sure to be expecting negative reviews about the program you are looking for - the Fat Burning Furnace. Well, you are about to find out the truth about this amazing program that truly delivers what it promises its buyers and users.

What's In the Fat Burning Furnace System

FatBurningFurnace is different from most diet and workout programs out there in that it focuses on short cardio exercises to boost metabolism and help a person lose weight faster, combined with a cleverly designed diet. The creator, Rob Poulos, has crafted a way for you to attain the weight you desire and at the same time, getting rid of the old adage "eat less, workout more".

The FBF weight loss plan doesn't force any strict dietary changes, but rather provides each user with various alternatives to their favorite foods. This promotes an enjoyable process instead of something that seems like anguish when you cut your eating habits cold turkey. What's more, the diet program also goes well with vegetarians, as its filled with a multitude of choices in designing your weight loss diet.

The short, intense workouts designed in this fat burning exercise program, a.k.a "15 minute miracle", work to build lean tissue, put muscles into action, and boost your metabolism. Rather than going to the gym and spending 45 minutes on a treadmill or exercise machine, these workouts can be done at your home. According to the author, treadmills are not the recommended cardio workout, especially if you are looking at keeping a good heart rate while exercising.

The FBF Diet Program has Two Plans

FatBurningFurnace comes in two versions; FBF Deluxe and FBF Ultimate. With both versions you get a step by step guide to a fat loss workout routine and diet choices, 3 months of constant email coaching to get you to the weight and shape you desire.

The Fat Burning Furnace Ultimate Fitness System gives you an additional 9 months of email coaching and also the FBF Ultimate Success Toolkit. The FBF Ultimate Success Toolkit is a progress tracker where users can monitor their pace, fitness milestones and goals while using the FBF weight loss program.

Does FatBurningFurnace Really Work?

If you're still thinking that this program is a scam, you might like to think twice. The Fat Burning Furnace exercise and diet program is truly something that one should use if you would like a step by step weight loss and fitness program. With the realistic requirements and well designed workouts, the Fat Burning Furnace can definitely help you to achieve your goals.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

What is a Gluten Free Weight Loss Diet?

Paleo Weight Loss :

The gluten free weight loss diet started out as a kind of recommended diet for those with celiac disease. However, due to the onset of diet fads, the gluten free weight loss diet became recognized even those who are not diagnosed with the disease. A lot of people are self-diagnosing just so they can buy gluten-free products and start losing weight. Remember that a lack of understanding of diets can lead to complications and side effects that may even lead to more weight gain so before jumping into the bandwagon of the gluten free weight loss diet, make sure that you are properly informed on what it can do for you.

What is a Gluten Free Weight Loss Diet?

The person with celiac disease

Gluten is a protein component that can be found on barley, oats, triticale, wheat, and grains. A person with celiac disease has a small intestine that is sensitive to gluten. In fact, even small portions of gluten can cause them harm. There are no known causes for the disease but it is believed that there are environmental and genetic factors involved. There is still no cure but it can be managed with a gluten-free diet. If left untreated, it can lead to a variety of disorders like osteoporosis, malnutrition, and infertility.

What the diet can do

The gluten free weight loss diet contributes to the recovery of the small intestine as well as in aiding in the absorption of important nutrients. With this diet, you avoid all types of food that have rye, barley gluten, and wheat. Examples of foods we love to eat but contain gluten are breads, pizza, pasta, malted breakfast cereals, bagels, and crackers. Oats are also avoided and you have the option whether to avoid or limit your intake of milk. Beer products, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages are also avoided.

What you can eat

With a gluten free weight loss diet, you can still eat any of the following food products since they naturally do not have gluten:

1. Fresh, dried, canned, or frozen fruits and vegetables as long as they do not have thickening ingredients and additives that have gluten.

2. Starches and flours made from rice, soybeans, tapioca, corn, and buckwheat.

3. Dairy products like cheese. However, avoid these products at the beginning of your treatment for celiac disease.

4. Eggs

5. Alcoholic beverages like wine and liquor like brandy, whiskey, ciders, and liquers.

6. Unprocessed meat products

7. Frozen or canned meat products, provided that they do not have any sauce.

8. Cereal products made from corn, lentil flour, rice bran, amaranth, lentil flour, psyllium, and polenta.

9. Rice crackers, rice crispies, corn tortillas, taco shells made from corn.

10. Gluten-free pasta, bean or rice vermicelli, buckwheat noodles, and rice noodles.

11. Condiments like tomato paste, jam, honey, cocoa, vinegar, honey, tahini, and some salad dressings and sauces.

12. Snacks like plain corn chips, plain chocolate, and popcorn.

13. Drinks like coffee, tea, mineral water, and spirits.

A few precautions

Be careful when buying foods that are labelled as "wheat-free" because it does not necessarily mean that they are gluten-free. When buying food, read the ingredients on the labels and be aware of the kinds of hidden gluten like those that can be found in different food additives and medications. Also, be aware that there are products that have "modified food starch" written on their labels because they may contain gluten.

Do not self-diagnose

Never self-diagnose that you have celiac disease. Before going on a gluten free weight loss diet, make sure to check with your doctor first. Only your doctor can give you the right diagnosis by showing that your bowel lining is damaged through endoscopy, blood tests, or by performing a biopsy on your bowel. More importantly, it is advised that you do not go on a gluten free weight loss diet before going to the doctor for a real diagnosis.

Stuff to remember

The gluten free diet may seem a little overwhelming at first. However, with enough knowledge, information and support, you can incorporate the diet into your lifestyle without any problems. Having celiac disease does not mean you have to stop eating majority of your favorite foods because despite several restrictions, you can still enjoy a variety of foods included in the diet. Furthermore, if you need more information on celiac disease and gluten free diets, you can consult a gastroenterologist, your doctor, or a credited/licensed dietitian or nutritionist.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What Is the Paleo Diet? And Why Are People Having Such Great Results With Caveman Style Diets?

Paleo Weight Loss :

Understanding Paleo Diets

What Is the Paleo Diet? And Why Are People Having Such Great Results With Caveman Style Diets?

Paleo diet is the actual diet our caveman ancestors lived by. It is probably the FIRST and BEST DIET suited to our genetic make up.

The Paleo diet is a diet based on the researched and presumed diet of cavemen times and is a diet that consisted mainly of various meats, poultry, wild plants, fruits, nuts and seeds of a wide variety.

Sadly the Paleolithic era ended along with the beginning of the revolutionary development of commercial agriculture and commercial production and domestication of various animal species.

Due to the fact that human genetics is known only to have varied by 0.01% since the advent of modern agriculture and farming it therefore can be assumed that the Paleo Diet is the required way to sensible nourishment for the healthy sustenance of the human body.

Our caveman ancestors were devoid of diseases such as cardiovascular, auto-immune problems, diabetes. arthritis, hypertension, obesity etc This surely can only be due to their healthy eating of their Paleo diet.

Over time there has been some dispute as to the ratio of animal content as to plant matter. It is considered that due to the fact that hunting tools were primitive their hunting skills would be limited - however it could also be argued that there was an abundance of animals and that skill was not that important. It could also be argued that there was plenty of reptile, bird, insects, crustacean etc available and the actual kill of larger animals on a regular scale was not that necessary.

The Paleo Diet really is a wild, organic, seasonal and natural way of eating. Free of substances considered to be toxic or foreign to our body and digestive processing.

Modern day agriculture and farming methods, brought with it the 'creation' of several foods that humans rarely or never consumed during the caveman era. These 'new' foods were introduced as staple foods in the diet. The revolutionized methods led to the mechanized production and processing of foodstuffs which resulted in the production of overly refined cereals, sugar, and oils. As a result large quantities of grain foods, legumes, dairy products and alcohol were introduced and due to the fact that they were somewhat more convenient were highly attractive and tempting..

Modern food production has fundamentally altered several nutritional characteristics of our diet. Some essential nutrients are destroyed or altered, unhealthy preservatives added, sodium, acid balance, fiber content and the like of other important factors have either been altered or destroyed...

The Paleo diet is the diet naturally designed by nature itself for the well being and optimal function of the human body. If the food is tainted with foreign additives it stands to reason that it is going to work harder at eliminating the 'bad' and spend less energy processing and storing the 'good'.

Whilst on the Paleo diet I cannot stress enough that you need to source fresh, organic, wild and locally produced healthy foodstuffs. Should your local supermarket not stock such foods, encourage them to do so and in the meantime source local farmers' markets.

The more time and energy your body has to store the 'real' nutrients it requires the healthier you will be. It is almost impossible to describe the feeling of well being that you will experience once your body is using 'healthy' fuel, there will be weight loss, no more cravings for stodgy, starchy, fatty, sweet and artificially produced foods.

The Paleo Diet will guarantee you a healthy, happy and satisfied body, mind and soul.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Atkins Vs Paleo - What Works and What Doesn't

Paleo Weight Loss :

Recently I've seen a lot of websites and books make comparisons between the Paleo Diet and the Atkins diet. "It's like Atkins," they say, "but you can eat fruit!" I understand that a lot of people in our community are trying to convert non-believers from other diets. And I understand that having someone make the switch from Atkins to Paleo probably isn't much of a stretch. But in my opinion, trying to say the Atkins Diet is like the Paleo Diet doesn't do the Paleo Diet any favors and ignores the key concepts of the diet. It's really not like the Atkins Diet at all.

Atkins Vs Paleo - What Works and What Doesn't

The Atkins Diet is NOT the Paleo Diet

The Atkins Diet, for most people, is not a life-long endeavor. It's not a lifestyle. It's a way to cut weight by keeping your carbohydrates as close to zero as possible. I recently spoke to someone that mentioned she was going to do Atkins (again) because she was happy with her weight loss in Phase 1. And Phase 1 is understandably where most people fall off the Atkins wagon. Nobody wants to eat bacon and sausage every day of their life because eating a grape fruit would send their body out of ketosis and kill their weight loss.

The Paleo Diet isn't based on counting carbohydrates, or grams of fat, or even calories. It is based on the principle that you should eat what our ancestors ate. And that's it. Our ancestors didn't eat pre-packaged, sodium-rich "meat products" -- they ate MEAT. While these meat-products are fine on the Atkins diet as long as they don't add to your carbohydrate count, someone following a paleolithic lifestyle would assuredly pass on them. Our ancestors didn't eat Whole Grain Wheat toast or "Heart-Healthy" Cheerios, they ate wholesome vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

There is no induction phase for the Paleo Diet.

You don't lose weight rapidly for 2 weeks and then plateau off.Weight loss with paleo happens all the time throughout the course of your life until you reach your ideal body weight. Eating natural foods, you will find it extremely hard to reach enough calories to gain any weight and the closer you are to your ideal weight, the less calories your body will need to consume, the less you will eat.

Foods that are calorie dense (such as meats) will keep you full for hours, making you eat less of them. Between meals you can snack on fruits and vegetables that provide essential nutrients and vitamins but won't pack on the calories. Some vegetables and most fruits are severely limited or banned on the Atkins diet because of their natural carbohydrates.

In my experience on the Atkins Diet, there was never really a time that I didn't crave cakes, or sweets, or fruit. I tried to block them out. I tried to get my mind off of them. But I always wanted them.

On the Paleo Diet you don't miss out on the sweet taste of fruit -- because you can eat as much of it as you want. You don't miss eating cakes because you can make your own cakes without wheat flour. Pizza? You can eat that, too, as long as you make it yourself using natural ingredients. The best part of Paleo is the community. If you have a craving for something, you can be sure that someone else has made a paleo variation of it and posted it on the internet.

In the first four months after starting the Paleolithic Diet, I had lost over 40lbs and my wife had lost over 50lbs, eating delicious food that we wanted to eat.

The Paleo Diet is for Designed for Your Health

While the Atkins diet may be healthier for you than eating a bag of Doritos, you're still loading your body with unnatural preservatives, sodium, and other industrial garbage while never really getting the essential nutrients your body needs to thrive.

There is anecdotal evidence that the Paleo Diet treats or can even cure illnesses like cancer, Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and adult onset (Type 2) diabetes.

In my own case, the Paleo Diet cured me of GERD and allowed me to stop taking all of my prescribed medications.


As you can see, the Paleo Diet and the Atkins Diet are two diametrically opposed diets. They may be similar in that they both condone eating meat, but that's really where the similarities end, as each diet comes to that conclusion through vastly different philosophies. Based on my own experiences with both diets, I choose the Paleo Diet for Life.

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