Here's THE Best Way to Exercise...PERIOD! And, also my favorite ;)
"Impulse Exercise"
It Can:
-Be done anywhere!
-Be done any time!
-Be done by anyone!
-Be FUN!
-Get your Heart Rate WAY up!
-Work A Lot Of Muscles!
SO What Exactly IS This Revolutionary Exercise?
Well, it's really Not hard or complicated...at All!
What the heck is Impulse Exercise? I know you guys (and girls!) are thinking, "I have my gym routine! I pack up the bag, make the shake, and I'm Gone!"
The thing is.. you always prepare and you always get ready, but by the time you are out the door, or by the time you get there, you don't even want to go anymore! Or, you get there and you're like, "I don't even 'feel' like it now..." which is exactly what your body does not want (in the long run).
Do you think 10,000 years ago you could just prepare for anything physical?
You would eat or be eaten, run or be run over (no, not by car...this is 10,000 years ago!! It just means that you have to be quick and decisive). I highly recommend you adopt this "caveman" or "paleo" way of thinking.
Anyways, back to Impulse Exercise, Here's how to do it:
Anytime, Anywhere, I instantly Bust Out, Whip Out, or Crank Out:
-Jumping jacks
-Butt Kickers (Self-explanatory)
-Crab Walks (walk on your hands and feet with your butt facing the ground)
And a host of other random, unorthodox exercises.
That's it!
I also call this muscle confusion on steroids.
Your body doesn't even see it coming, so it gets your primal heartrate WAY up, because you are literally tricking your body into thinking it's going to be eaten!
It's a GREAT Cardio (Heart Rate Increase for Heart Health and Fat Loss) and Strength Training Workout (Actually WORKS functional muscles - unlike regular weight lifting) ALL in One!
Most of you probably already know what cardio is... but what do I mean by functional muscles and muscle confusion?
I mean that it's literally the opposite of boring, mundane, running on a cushioned, boring (did I say that yet?!) treadmill or sidewalk (obviously a sidewalk's not very cushioned, and it's hard on your knees/ankle/feet) which usually results in quitting.
So, I told you about what you can do...so the question is...WHY AREN'T YOU DOING IT!
Haha, just kidding. But seriously, this can save you A LOT of time and A LOT of money on that gym membership and the time you waste on the internet looking for that new, simple way to exercise, because honestly, I strongly believe this is IT.
Hope that helped and Stay Tuned!
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