Lower belly fat is often referred to as the "little pouch" that protrudes and causes clothes to fit tighter, particularly our pants. Belly fat is not only a nuisance and unattractive, it is also dangerous in terms of increased health risks. Whether you have a beer belly or the little pouch, belly fat is all the same when it comes to dangerous health factors. Excess fat around our mid-sections can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure just to name a few.
Losing extra weight doesn't have to be overly complicated the way many diet books would have you believe. I like to find very simple ways to make life easier. Staying fit is no different. I don't want to count calories or weigh my food. Unless you don't mind doing those things, most of us don't have the time. That is what made me do some research of my own for a diet that is simple and would work well as a positive healthy lifestyle change.
This particular way of eating is known as the paleo (paleolithic) diet. It is also referred to as primal, hunter-gatherer, or caveman diet. What makes this such a good way of eating? Simply because it is based on the eating habits of hunter-gatherers which consisted of meat, seafood, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. Essentially, foods we were designed to eat.
Foods to be avoided include bread, rice, pasta, cereal, beans, sugar, and any processed food. Since simple carbs are avoided, our bodies begin to rely on our fat stores for energy, thus burning fat and causing weight loss. Don't forget to account for the beverages you consume. Sugar is also in the sodas, fancy coffees, and smoothies you buy. Alcohol isn't recommended but wine should be fine in moderation.
Any exercise that is performed is an added bonus. Exercise can aid in weight loss but excessive cardio is not necessary.
A mistake many people make is to become obsessed with cardio. Too much cardio can cause the body to take energy from our muscle. A better form of exercise is interval training. You combine body weight exercises with weights (optional) to burn fat in the least amount of time while being efficient. Most workouts can be done in 45 minutes a few times per week. Remember, I am about simplicity when it comes to losing belly fat.
There you have it. A simple way of eating and exercise that doesn't involve counting calories and long exercise sessions.
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