There are diets named after people - Atkins, Pritkin, Rosedale, and Ornish; regions - Mediterranean and Asian; places - The Hamptons and Okinawa; and even how you cook, or don't cook, your food - Raw and Macrobiotic. There is definitely not a shortage of nutritional information; however, there IS a shortage of valuable and effective nutrition informational. The vast majority of books and recommendations are based on nothing more than faulty science and personal conjecture. The dizzying array of contradictory information confuses rather than informs, and cripples rather than equips. You can not turn on a TV or open a magazine without being bombarded by the latest diet fad or counseled by the next weight-loss guru. One day you're informed that a specific food is nothing short of a miracle, and the next day you're informed that consumption of that very miracle food assures untimely disease and death.
The fact of the matter is that in order to move our nutritional status forward, we need to look backward. Our genome has evolved through Darwinian natural selection, or trial and error, over hundreds of thousands of years, and its proper expression necessitates a lifestyle that is harmonious with our evolution. Our bodies are adapted to subsist and thrive on the foodstuffs available to our ancestors prior to the advent of farming and processing techniques developed during the Neolithic revolution. This dietary regimen is broadly known as the Paleo diet and represents humanities only natural form of sustenance. By following this regimen you can drastically improve your health, performance, and body composition, while simultaneously slashing your risk of acquiring the various degenerative diseases that plague modern society such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimers. The tenets of this regimen are extremely simple and straightforward. There is no need to count calories, carbohydrates, or fat grams. Eat when hungry, and until you're full.
Do eat: Meats, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. These are the foods that bestowed our ancestors with the robust health necessary to face a harsh environment free of degenerative disease.
Do not eat: Grains, dairy, potatoes, beans, sugar, or any type of processed food. These foodstuffs are inedible without processing techniques developed roughly 10,000 years ago (less than a hundred years for many of the foods found in your average supermarket); a blink of an eye in the evolution of man. As such, our bodies have not physiologically adapted to properly handle these foods, and their consumption results in various pathologies.
It is immediately evident that current dietary recommendations are at odds with how we are genetically programmed to eat. Various world-renowned researchers, such as Loren Cordain, feel that the root cause of the majority of modern disease lay within our departure from our ancestral diet. Neolithic foods are calorie dense and nutrient poor, tend to cause large elevations in insulin levels (the number one biomarker for aging), create a condition of chronic inflammation in the body, and cause wild swings in blood sugar that lead to ravenous hunger and a lack of satiety. All of this translates into unhealthy levels of bodyfat, sub par health, and eventually chronic disease. Scary as this may be, we as people have the ability to consciously avoid these foods in favor of those that promote health, well-being, and longevity.
Paleo foods are dense in nutrients, low in calories, tend to have a low glycemic index, modulate inflammation, and induce satiety. This translates into optimized health, and an excellent defense against chronic disease. Paleo nutrition is not only a panacea for health, but also for fitness and performance. The regimen effectively regulates insulin and satiety thereby creating the ideal environment for the optimization of body composition. The nutrient density of the regimen is extremely high and promotes rapid recovery allowing the individual to work out at a high intensity on a more frequent basis. The protein content of the diet is high and promotes the accrual of lean body mass and recovery of damaged muscle tissue. Forget diet trends and fads that come and go like the wind, adopt the only nutritional protocol designed by nature, and optimize your health, fitness, and performance.
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