Friday, June 29, 2012

The Sensa Weight Loss Program Exposed!

Paleo Weight Loss :

The Sensa weight loss program has redefined dieting on a whole new level. Who would ever believe it was possible to lose weight without actually dieting? Well with Sensa, apparently it is possible. Nicknamed "The Sprinkle Diet", this weight loss program has become one heck of a popular diet fad, but is it the real deal?

The Sensa Weight Loss Program Exposed!

Well here's what it is: The Sensa weight loss program is a powder formula that is designed to trick your mind into thinking you're full faster. As a result you eat less and overtime this leads to weight loss. Sounds too good to be true right? Well it's not. What it claims to do it really does, BUT...

The powder is made up of many chemical ingredients which act as a drug on the mind and can have potentially harmful side effects. Doing research online, I found a lot of people complained about getting headaches after this. That's because of the powder's effect on the mind.

Now most people can cope with this, but there is another issue which is more serious. The Sensa diet allows people to continue eating what they like, and for most people struggling to lose weight, it means continuing to eat unhealthy foods and avoiding exercise at all costs. It also brings the chance of addiction to the product.

When you put it that way, the Sensa diet only masks people's source of their weight problems and that is the consumption of unhealthy foods and lack of exercise. Granted there are other categories of people, such as those who are too busy to exercise or don't have time for conventional dieting. In these cases, the Sensa diet seems ideal.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Paleo Diet Is Eating Like a Caveman - The Best Choice for Fat Loss

Paleo Weight Loss :

I know that there are countless books about going prehistoric with your diet and eating like a caveman but I thought a quick article talking about the Paleo diet may be a little easier for you than a big book.

The Paleo Diet Is Eating Like a Caveman - The Best Choice for Fat Loss

To save you a even more reading I will tell you that going Paleo is going in the right direction. Not perfect but in the right direction. It can help you burn fat and lose weight dropping inches. There you have it, if you are not a big reader no need to read on, you are on the right track.

But if you want to know the areas where the Paleo diet falls short and how you can improve on it for greater health and weight loss, read on.

Hunter Gather Diet

The hunter gather diet was around before well before the arrival of agriculture, and of course well before processed food and quick meals from fast food chains. The Neanderthals diet was simple. They ate whatever could be picked, gathered or caught. That would mean their diet consisted of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, roots, and nuts. As you can see there are no grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, or processed oils on that list.

Bodybuilder and Paleo

You may be surprised to know that eating like a caveman is very close to what bodybuilders do pre contest. It works great for getting them lean quickly. The basic diet of a physique competitor like a bodybuilder or fitness model consists of lean proteins, nuts and seeds, green vegetables, and a little fruit. It is void of all processed foods, dairy products, most grains and starches. As you can see it's not too far off that of the paleolithic diet.

When you want to get super lean, and you're shooting for maximal fat loss getting rid of grains and calorie dense starchy carbs and replacing them with lean protein and vegetables is the best way to go. This will really speed up the fat burning process, helping you burn the most body fat in the quickest amount of time.

Why Eating Like a Caveman is Effective

This type of diet is effective for a number of reasons. The primary being genetics. Our genetic code has not changed all that much in the past 40,000. So, our bodies are still not accustomed to eating foods produced today.

As you can imagine the caveman wasn't unwrapping his food. There weren't any TV dinners, food from a can, or a box. The only packaging they had to contend with was a shell, skin, or a peel.

The wasn't any high fructose corn syrup, white sugar, hydrogenated oils, chemicals, or preservatives. Everything was natural and organic.

This is a vastly different way than we eat now.

Good, But...

So I think a Paleo diet definitely has vast merit. Where they do go slightly off course is their recommendations to remove all grains and starches. I think this is a bit drastic and unnecessary.

Their rationale for such a recommendation is that agriculture is only about 10,000 years old and that is not a long enough time for our bodies to evolve. We are not able to properly digest ours more modern food. This leads to the banning of rice potatoes and whole-grain products that can be grown in cultivated.

This isn't totally necessary. There are definitely starchy carbohydrates and grains that require little to no processing, which in my opinion are just fine to consume. There are also individuals that have a metabolism that can handle starches and grains without a problem. Because of this I don't believe it's necessary to totally eliminate whole grains and starchy carbs from your diet. Everyone is a little different, each person has a little leeway in their nutritional strategies.

Activity Levels and Diet

For the highly active individual or athlete with normal body fat levels, it doesn't make sense to remove 100% whole grains, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, legumes, and others such items from their diet. These items are in particularly important to athletes who perform at a high levels. It helps with energy and performance.

A good way to deal with these carbs is to keep them in your diet for performance when you need top results. Then when you want to maximize your fat loss, cut them out or reduce them. Do keep in mind that these carbohydrates are natural and not processed. A prime example is oatmeal. There is instant oatmeal with added sugar and fortified ingredients, or 100% whole natural oats that require time to cook. The first are bad the second are fine most of the time.

Refined carbs are definitely something you can do without. To accelerate your weight loss and your fat burning capacity it is a good idea to totally eliminate these foods.

When choosing the right diet plan and weight loss regime I think people get too caught up in the current trends. I don't think it's so important to say your on allow carb high protein low fat type diet. The more sensible approach to take is to eat whole foods that require the least amount of processing. Vegetables and fruits can be eaten without any processing whatsoever, you can go to the garden pick an apple, wash it off and eat it. The next level is cooking. You take a piece of fresh fish or chicken heated up and eat it. That's just one step of processing, and that's fine.

Stay as close to these two models as you can and you will be healthy maintain a healthy weight.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Can a Healthy Diet Recipe Actually Taste Good?

Paleo Weight Loss :

If your idea of "health food" is a simple green salad, then you haven't been eating the right kinds of foods. By using a healthy diet recipe book and trying out many recipes, you will find that you can eat healthy and tasty at the same time.

Can a Healthy Diet Recipe Actually Taste Good?

The benefits of any healthy meal plan are many, but for most people it is the weight loss that it promises that urges them to make the switch. It is certainly true that by removing processed foods from your diet, you will see immediate weight loss. It is actually hard to keep weight on when you are eating natural, healthy foods and cooking them the right way.

The truth is that if you go on a calorie-restricted diet, you will not have a fun time. You will constantly crave foods that you can't eat because your body won't be getting either the number of calories or the nutrition that it requires. However, when you switch to a healthy recipe plan, you will find that your cravings are gone and that you feel fuller than ever before. Losing weight on this kind of diet is easy.

That being said, the advantages of a healthy diet recipe plan go well beyond losing weight. In fact, the primary purpose of any healthy diet should be to put your entire body back into balance. With the amount of processed foods we eat these days, not to mention our stressful lifestyles, it is no wonder that so many of us are unhealthy. By eliminating toxins, chemicals, additives, colorings, and artificial flavorings from your foods, you will find that not only does food taste better, but that you lose weight, too. A healthy meal plan really does give you the best of both worlds and is something your family will appreciate.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Best Healthy Diets For Weight Loss

Paleo Weight Loss :

There are many diets out there, but healthy diets for weight loss are not as easy to find. With all those fad diets that shoot up one month and are gone the next, it's hard determining which is the best and most effective. This article will give you some tips to finding the right diet to follow.

Best Healthy Diets For Weight Loss

Nowadays there are many healthy diets for weight loss. This can include the Paleo Diet, abs diet, etc. The diets that are the most healthy have a few traits in common.

1. They focus on Healthy Foods
Healthy diets for weight loss usually are healthy because of the food selection that they have. For some people, simply switching to healthier foods helps them lose weight!

Healthy foods have many benefits. Some have many grams of fiber which can help you feel full and satisfied faster. In addition, they usually contain many nutrients that are devoid in junk and overly processed foods.

If you try to find a diet and it lets you still eat processed foods but in moderation this is not healthy. It can help you lose weight since you're eating less, but it might not work for many. Eating junk food is eating empty calories basically. The food doesn't "fill" you up. Your body is still screaming for the nutrition that healthy foods provide. As a result, you feel hungrier more often even though you've had plenty of calories already.

So, make sure when picking a diet that it has healthy foods. These can include, but are not limited to, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and oats, nuts, legumes, beans, and lean meats.

Beware! There is one big problem nowadays. Food companies are now packaging foods that aren't healthy and labeling them as healthy. For example, most people think that shopping at a healthy store like "Trader Joe's" automatically makes the food healthy. Organic does NOT equal healthy. There are many organic cookies, candies, etc that are filled with calories and will do anything but help you with your weight loss goals.

2. Calorie Restriction is a Must
In order to lose weight you need to reduce the amount of calories you consume on a daily basis. The longer you can keep this up, the more fat you will lose. A diet that lets you eat however much you want, even if it's healthy foods, may not be enough for most people. Counting how much food you eat and making sure you don't over eat is the best program for weight loss and ensures that you are doing everything right and not just walking in the dark.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Paleo Diet - A Peek Into Raw Food Living

Paleo Weight Loss :

The "Palaeolithic diet" (Paleo) is a highly popular raw food diet which made its official debut in the mid-1970s. Since then, the evolutionary diet has been promoted and adapted by several researchers and is featured in a number of academic journals.

The Paleo Diet - A Peek Into Raw Food Living

Of controversial origin, the Paleo diet was first developed and marketed by gastroenterologist, Walter L. Voegltin who advanced the notion that the diet is the ideal food for mankind.

The concept put forward by Voegltin is not new. It is based on the premise that modern humans are genetically adapted to the diets of our earliest ancestors, and diseases which trouble modern man are the result of industrialisation and affluence. In general, the diet of our ancestors had the proper balance of nutrients to reduce chronic diseases and promote health.

With affable nicknames such as the caveman diet, Stone Age, hunter-gatherer and warrior diet, the names are good indicators of its simple nature and basic lifestyle. The Paleo diet is an ancient "take" on the health habits of foragers who survived on fish, fruits, vegetables, roots, and nuts. It is an organic, raw food diet that excludes dairy, grain, refined sugar, and all processed oils.

Similar to a vegan diet, this health plan consist primarily of plant based unprocessed foods with minimal heating to preserve its natural, potent living ingredients. The diet has received overwhelming support from individuals whose health has improved. Cancer patients and individuals with immune suppressed conditions have also come forward to give their positive stories.

The diet has also received strong criticisms from detractors who view it as a fad diet.

Proponents of the diet:

The diet has received rave reviews and accolades from users and researchers alike; it is described as an invaluable nutritive way of eating, filled with elements to restore tissue cells.

In one study, Loren Cordain, PhD, at Colorado State University, commented: "Clinical trials have shown that the Paleo Diet is the optimum diet that can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, markers of inflammation, help with weight loss, reduce acne, promote optimum health and improve athletic performance."

Critics of the diet:

Critics of the diet have argued that it lacks credibility and logic. The main views expressed were in disagreement with the facts promoted, that hunter-gatherers were generally free of illnesses unlike their compatriots in "civilized societies" who were beset with common afflictions and ailments.

The critics also dismissed the premise that our human makeup is genetically programmed to eat like our Palaeolithic ancestors. They believe that modern civilization developed due to advanced thinking, and with it inherent biological changes.

Weighing in on the pros and cons of raw food eating, it is acknowledged that a diet based on organic herbs and spices, nuts, fruits, and vegetables, will contain living properties and essential vitamins and minerals needed to live long and well. Although a true Paleo diet is impossible to imitate and impractical to attempt, modest variations of its model will derive immeasurable health benefits for those who maintain it.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Forego Dieting And Choose A Healthy, Sustainable Weight Maintenance Diet Instead

Paleo Weight Loss :

Are you dieting? In today's vernacular, dieting has come to mean trying to lose weight. Yet Diet is the food and beverages you consume, and can lead to weight loss (Paleo Diet, South Beach Diet, etc.), weight gain (bodybuilding diet, etc), or weight maintenance (any healthy diet).

Forego Dieting And Choose A Healthy, Sustainable Weight Maintenance Diet Instead

While it might seem like it's all just playing with semantics, there really is a big difference between the two. If you're dieting to lose weight, you're probably making a mistake - most dieters find themselves trapped in the 'yo-yo diet' syndrome, forever losing a few pounds then gaining them back over and over again, often with the result of their weight slowly increasing overall.

Most diets start you off heavily restricting calories and drinking a lot of water. Restricting your caloric intake heavily only works for a very short time - usually your body will slow down its metabolism (the rate it uses energy at) by the end of the first week to compensate for the reduced intake. You may lose a pound or two of true bodyweight, but most of the loss will be from the increased water intake.

You body is truly efficient in its operations, and water is the single most important part of your nutritional intake. People can go up to about 30 days without food, but your system would shut down without water for 6 or 7 days. As a result, your body stores water based on need and available supply. When you drink more water regularly, your body doesn't see the need to store as much of it, so it releases more of its water stores. Since you've increased your water consumption while dieting, your body is lighter more from carrying less water than from burning body fat.

And what happens when you've reached your weight target and end your diet? You go back to your 'normal' number of calories, but now your metabolism is slower so you're actually creating a bigger caloric surplus than before you started dieting. Unless and until your metabolism catches back up, that excess will be stored as body fat as insurance against the next caloric deficit. And it's the same with water - if you start drinking less, your body will go back to storing more of it.

Net result? In short order your weight has gone back up surpassing your starting weight, and you're facing another weight loss diet. Not really what you were hoping for, was it? It's time to break that cycle and get to and maintain your healthy bodyweight.

To start, evaluate your current eating habits and make any necessary changes. You should be eating 3 meals a day, each with a mix of fibrous carbohydrates, quality protein and some healthy fats. Replace white bread with whole wheat, including any buns, etc. Be sure to have a good breakfast - not sugar-laden cereal, salt-laden instant oatmeal or toast & coffee. Instead go for bacon & eggs, oatmeal & eggs or a grapefruit & a protein shake, for example.

Lunch should be tuna, salmon or a small portion of lean red meat, with a side of roasted or steamed vegetables or a salad - but skip the useless calories of the thicker dressings and opt for either oil & vinegar or just a drizzle of olive oil. Supper should be fish, chicken or lean red meat and green vegetables or beans. For best results, fill half the plate with steamed green vegetables.

If you find you need a snack mid-afternoon or after dinner, choose fruit, unsalted peanuts or walnuts. Just remember that while healthy, each has calories so limit the amount you allow yourself. If you're still peckish an hour before bedtime, treat yourself to a cup of cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is high in the phosphoprotein casein, a slow digesting protein that not only helps to curb your hunger but keeps the body burning more calories while you sleep as it your body digests it.

Check your weight about once a week to see if you're headed towards your weight loss goals. It's always best to check first thing in the morning upon rising, before getting dressed. Your weight fluctuates by a few pounds throughout the day, so best to always check it at the same time of day, and doing it first thing helps to eliminate fluctuations based on that day's food intake.

If you're making progress, just keep doing what you're doing - don't make any changes to try & hurry the process. Let your body adapt and continue at it's own preferred rate. On the other hand, if you're not yet losing, try either reducing the calories slightly at each meal, or replace a bit of the carbohydrate portion with additional protein.

Once you're at your target weight, keep monitoring yourself for another few weeks. If your body is still dropping weight, up your portions slightly until you reach a maintenance level. Now when you reach the weight you want to stay at it's easy to maintain, since you're already eating right to maintain that weight - no further changes are necessary as you're now living a more fit lifestyle and eating a healthy diet. And should you slip up the odd time, increasing your exercise level, even going for a couple of walks a day, can usually help to cover up your caloric indiscretions!

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Paleo Diet Information: Why the Caveman Diet Is Good for Your Health

Paleo Weight Loss :

A lot of diet regimens are being created by nutritionists and diet experts from time to time. These diet programs not only aim to help people in their search for a healthy lifestyle but it also reminds them that indeed, they need to be healthy and stop abusing their bodies. One of the proven effective diet programs out there is the Paleo caveman diet. If you are after a healthy lifestyle and a fitter, stronger body, then you should get as much Paleo diet information as you can.

Paleo Diet Information: Why the Caveman Diet Is Good for Your Health

The Paleo Diet: What it is in a Nutshell?

The main selling point of the Paleo diet is how it can make one as strong and as healthy as the cavemen gatherers and hunters who walked the earth millions of years ago. This diet involves the elimination of any food that the cavemen did not eat in their time.

Why should you follow the caveman diet? Why can you not eat everything that is currently available in the market?

The Paleo caveman diet is not just another fad diet. It is actually backed by scientific studies and proofs. Essentially, when the world changed and evolved, the human genes did not evolve along. According to the developers of this diet, the human genes take millions of years before it can become accustomed to a new eating lifestyle. This is the reason why food allergies manifest in some people. Processed and packaged foods have already been modified to the extent that it can no longer be processed well by the body - essentially, it will not help your body at all, according to the principles of Paleo diet.

To simplify, the Paleo diet encourages the consumption of foods that the cavemen ate in their time. These are foods that were naturally available - those that were obviously edible. They did not know how to farm, breed and milk animals and process their food in general. Thus, they only consumed what they know are edible. Their bodies, as products of evolution, were constructed in a way that it can receive and process the foods available in nature. Therefore, since humans today still have the same genetic structure as their human ancestors who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago, they are supposed to eat what the first humans ate to get ultimate strength and health.

Paleo Foods

The Paleo diet essentially takes you back to the basics. If you already understand the idea behind this diet, you might have already thought of what foods can you actually consume when you are on this diet.

Cavemen of the Paleolithic Era were hunters and gatherers. They hunted game animals and caught poultry and seafood. However, since they did not know of animal husbandry yet, they did not milk the animals. Meanwhile, they ate eggs as well but only at a minimal rate. If you are to follow the caveman diet, it would be best if you can consume meat from livestock and poultry that were bred and fed naturally. The same goes with seafood, too.

The cavemen also ate fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Virtually all fruits are allowed in the diet, but if you are after weight loss, you might want to minimize your intake of sweet fruits. Meanwhile, all vegetables aside from starchy ones such as potato and sweet potato are also allowed. Nuts and seeds that are naturally available can also be consumed.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Paleo Diet - 5 Foods to Avoid

Paleo Weight Loss :

What you and many other people may not already know, is that the majority of foods listed below are the causes of ninety percent of allergic reactions. The Caveman Diet is the most healthiest diet in the world because it eliminates all of those foods.

The Paleo Diet - 5 Foods to Avoid

No More Legumes

In case you were wondering, a legume is a seed that breaks as it ripens. The kinds of legumes to watch out for are pinto beans, kidney beans, broad beans, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, and peanuts (peanuts are legumes, not a "nut").

The problem with legumes is that they contain lectin. Lectin, the "sticky protein", causes inflammation which then leads to weight gain, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Another issue with legumes is that they contain phytates. Phytates prevent absorption which also leads to inflammation.

No More Grains

You may be surprised to see grains high on the list. Contrary to popular belief, grains are actually quite bad for your health. The problem with grains is that they also contain lectin (remember that word?), as well as gluten. Both lectin and gluten have been linked to digestive diseases and inflammatory problems. Not to mention that most breads found in supermarkets are made out of enriched flour which break down into sugar very quickly. When this sugar is released into the blood stream, it causes an extreme fluctuation of blood sugar levels. Fluctuating blood sugar levels are to blame for fatigue, cravings, and constant feelings of hunger.

Our ancestors didn't consume grains due to the lack of cooking processes. It's only been within the last 100,000 years that humans discovered how cooking grains made them edible. Our bodies have been struggling to adapt ever since.

Avoid Trans Fats

These toxic fats can turn rancid, causing free-radical damage in the body when heated to high temperatures. Eating the wrong kinds of fats causes cell membranes to malfunction and die. The kinds of fats to avoid on the paleo diet are canola, vegetable, sunflower, and safflower oils. This includes all foods that were fried in these fats.

Processed, Refined, and Artificial Sugars

I'm not talking about the natural sugars found in fruits. The kind of sugar you should be avoiding on a paleo diet is anything that is manufactured. Man made sugars include corn syrup, table sugar, and all sugars found in processed foods including enriched grains.

Unnatural sugars are the leading causes of weight gain, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, immune dysfunction, not to mention tooth decay. No wonder why, with sugars being treated with chemicals such as chlorine and phosphene gas both of which lead to the destruction of cells.


It seems that caveman diet experts cannot agree on this category. Some enthusiasts will tell you that dairy in moderation is okay, while others will tell you to eliminate dairy completely. As for our ancient predecessors, they never ate or drank any kinds of dairy food because there were no domesticated animals.

The problem with the diary products lining grocery shelves is that it is highly processed and pasteurized which significantly denatures milk of its proteins and kills beneficial enzymes and bacteria. The milk itself comes from very unhealthy cows, and unhealthy cows produce unhealthy milk. These cows are fed grains, corn products, and soy-all of which are listed in this post as foods to avoid on the paleo diet-and often given growth hormones and antibiotics. If you must have dairy, try to find a source that is local and not commercialized.

Want to enjoy the permanent loss of weight and acne? Avoid these foods at all costs. Your body will thank you with a slimmer physique and acne-free skin!

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Can You Lose Weight by Eating Salads?

Paleo Weight Loss :

Are salads the key to losing weight? Find out in this article.

Can You Lose Weight by Eating Salads?

Maybe you've heard of someone who lost a lot of weight by eating mainly salads? Did they manage to keep it off? Did they suffer a lot? Let's find out.

Benefits Of Salads

The main benefit of eating salads to lose weight is that they contain hardly any calories and yet fill you up. You can eat a huge chunk of green leaves and it might give you barely 20 calories or about 1% of what a woman needs to eat every day.

If you add dressing to this then be prepared for a whole load more hidden calories.

The Problem With Salads

Salads are great as an alternative side to more calorific sides like fries, but on their own they are not a way to lose a lot of weight.

I do not recommend eating a lot of salads in order to lose weight. Salads as part of a balanced diet are great, however.

The problem with salads is that they provide a little but not much nutritional value. If you want to get nutrients from plants then you are better of eating something like broccoli or root vegetables.

And a diet plan composed mainly of salads will leave you severely malnutritioned and without enough calories. Your muscles will waste away. Don't do it!

A Better Diet

A better way to eat is to incorporate salads into a normal healthy diet. So, if you have a meat dish (lean meat preferred) then use salads as a side on the plate instead of some greasy alternative.

If you want a low calorie food that is packed with nutrition then you are better off eating more fruits. If you eat an abundance of different fruits you can actually live forever this way and a few people choose to do so.

I don't know a single person who has tried to live on salads and been successful!

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Friday, June 15, 2012

The 500 Calorie Diet - Diets For Quick Weight Loss

Paleo Weight Loss :

Engaging in diets for quick weight loss can be very dangerous. But, if you don't mind taking risks with your health, the 500 calorie diet might be right for you. Keep in mind, that even when considering diets for quick weight loss, the 500 calorie diet is a very extreme form of dieting. Even so, it tends to be extremely popular.

The 500 Calorie Diet - Diets For Quick Weight Loss

The reason for the popularity, obviously, is that you will lose weight quickly. Low-calorie diets abound among people who are looking for quick weight loss. But even among those low-calorie diets, 500 calories per day is at the low end of the spectrum.

First, for a definition...For a diet to be considered low calorie, the arbitrary cutoff point is 1200 calories per day. Anything below that is considered to be a low-calorie diet. Clearly the whole idea of a low-calorie diet is to lose weight quickly, but again - it can be quite dangerous so it should always be thoroughly planned with a nutritionist or your family doctor.

It's well known that the best way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat. You can do this by burning more, or by eating less. Your body needs a certain number of calories just to exist. If you're not eating enough, the theory is that your energy needs will be taken from the fat calories in your body.

The problem is, our body is very smart. It won't just keep burning the same number of calories and taking the excess from fat. Your body doesn't know that you are on a diet. It will think you're starving. To help keep you alive, it will cut way back on the number of calories that uses. To do this it will slow down your metabolic rate and will start eating away at your muscle mass - to get it's needed calories.

Over a long-term, this is disastrous. Your muscles burn far more calories than your fat, so if you lose them, it not only has a bad effect on your body but it also affects your ability to keep weight off in the future. The 500 calorie diet, as one of the diets for quick weight loss - works... but only for a short term.

The negative effects can vary depending on your body type, height, activity level, overall health and gender. 500 calories per day may be sufficient for some people for a short while.

For the vast majority of us, especially if we are carrying extra weight, eating only 500 calories per day is literally starving our bodies. Most likely, you've been taking in 2000 to 5000 (or more) calories per day and suddenly dropping to 500 will immediately move your body into starvation mode. So, your metabolism slows way down in order to conserve energy.

Our bodies are quite adaptable. In a very short time you will learn to survive on 500 calories per day. (At least until you run out of calories to burn...then you'll go into a coma and die.)

Thankfully, the majority of us discontinue our dieting before that happens. As soon as your diet is over, and you go back to your old eating habits - like we all do - you will have a sudden gain in weight. Actually, you'll gain more weight than you would have, had you not ever gone on a diet to begin with. Diets for quick weight loss just don't work. Plus, since you have lost so much muscle mass, it makes it much harder to maintain your weight in the future.

The most effective method of determining a healthy, livable daily calorie level, is by using a BMR/AMR calculator. It will tell you how many calories are necessary to support your health and your lifestyle. Once you know how many calories you need to maintain your weight, then you can subtract 500 calories per day, and you have one of the ideal diets for quick weight loss success.

Obviously, the mass and body size of women is dramatically different than that of men. That means, they need a different number of calories to survive. While the average man may eat 1500 to 1600 calories per day, the average woman may eat only 1200 to 1300 calories per day. You must consult your physician before starting any diet, safety has to come first.

So, to wrap it up... in the realm of diets for quick weight loss, the 500 calorie per day diet is very popular. It will work to help you lose weight, but it can be very dangerous - And your weight loss is only temporary at best. You should never cut back that dramatically on your calories without the constant monitoring and supervision of a doctor.

To get your FREE copy of my "Fast Weight Loss Tips!" mini-course, and to learn more about the best ways to lose weight, check out my website right now.

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Thursday, June 14, 2012

6 Negative Effects Of Eating Fast Food

Paleo Weight Loss :

1. Fast food has a very high energy density. About 65 percent higher than a typical diet and twice as high as recommended healthy diets which makes us eat more than we otherwise would. Energy density refers to the amount of calories an item of food contains in relation to its weight. Foods with a high energy density confuse the brain's control systems for appetite, which are based solely on portion size.

6 Negative Effects Of Eating Fast Food

2. British researchers from the Medical Research Council Human Nutrition Center and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have determined that repeated eating at McDonald's or KFC or Burger King, people are more likely to gain weight and become obese. This is because fast food not only contains many more calories than traditional food, but also is more likely to undermine normal appetite control systems.

3. By eating a Big Mac and fries, the body consumes almost twice as many calories as you would if you ate the same weight of pasta and salad. Fast Food restaurants feed the obesity epidemic by getting people to eat many more calories than they need through persistent advertising.

4. McDonald's, KFC, and Burger King menu items using nutritional data from the fast food restaurants' Web sites, found that when we eat high energy density foods, we don't reduce the portion size so we get a lot more calories than we need. Our current society possesses a weak innate ability to recognize foods with a high energy density. Food intake is assessed by the size of the portion, yet a fast food meal contains many more calories than a similar sized portion of a healthy meal. The conclusion is we are all being fooled into eating too much food.

5. People get fat eating regular portion sizes, but since the food has a high energy density, people gain weight. In evolutionary terms, the human appetite was designed for low energy density foods. In other parts of the world where these foods are still the dietary staples, obesity is virtually non existent. Our bodies were never designed to cope with the high energy dense foods consumed in the West. That is a major reason why fast food in contributing to the major rise in obesity.

6. Another fact is that fast food may speed up people's risk of clogged arteries that can lead to heart attacks. Researchers at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in San Francisco have demonstrated that a certain type of fat, called oxidized fat, can accelerate the buildup of plaque in arteries. And many types of fast food such as hamburgers, pizza and French fries are loaded with oxidized fat. The conclusion is fast food meals are high in saturated fat and low quality carbohydrates, white bread and lots of soda. Our bodies require fiber and more healthful types of fats. Fast food represents a dietary pattern that is the opposite of what is recommended for a healthy body.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

3 of the Best "Easy" Ways to Lose 10 Pounds Fast

Paleo Weight Loss :

Looking for easy ways to lose 10 lbs fast? This article will give you a few of the best, most-proven fast weight loss techniques out there. The fact of the matter is that you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight fast. You also don't have to pop diet pills or get crazy with long, boring exercise programs. Believe it or not, losing body fat in a quick and healthy way doesn't have to be difficult!

3 of the Best "Easy" Ways to Lose 10 Pounds Fast

Here are 3 of the best "easy" ways to lose 10 pounds fast...

1. Follow a paleo diet.

A "paleo diet" is a form of lower-carb diet that's based around the whole, natural foods human are meant to eat. It includes no processed foods, refined ingredients, or synthetic/artificial food additives. It's a simple and ultra-healthy diet that stabilizes blood sugar/insulin levels, boosts the metabolism naturally, and can make the pounds come of quickly and easily.

Best of all, on a paleo-style diet you can eat pretty much as much as you want, as long as you stick to only the clean-burning paleo foods: mainly lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, vegetables, and raw fruits.

2. Use the power of fiber.

Loading up on high-fiber foods is definitely one of the best easy weight loss techniques out there. Simply snack (or "graze") on natural high-fiber foods throughout the day and you'll avoid the hunger and food cravings that cause many people to give up on losing weight. The best high-fiber snacks are fruits and veggies, beans and legumes, and nuts and seeds. If you want to eat grains (not always a great idea when trying to lose pounds fast) always choose 100% whole grain varieties!

3. Focus on high-energy fitness.

If you are able to boost your energy levels and maintain them, losing 10 pounds fast becomes much easier! 95% of diet and exercise programs zap your energy, which is one reason so many people fail on "typical" weight loss plans. The key is to use proven energy boosters on a regular basis. Some examples: drink large amounts of water and unsweetened teas throughout the day; avoid all refined sugars, simply sugars, and processed carbohydrates; include some protein in every meal/snack you eat; be sure to eat a good amount of healthy fats each day; do shorter, more intense workouts instead of long, boring "torture" workouts; find fun, heart-pumping activities that you'll actually look forward to doing each week.

The tips above are just a few examples of the best "easy" ways to lose 10 pounds fast. If you want to learn more about how to lose pounds in a fast, safe, and healthy way be sure to visit the link below!

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fun and Quick Exercise!

Paleo Weight Loss :

Here's THE Best Way to Exercise...PERIOD! And, also my favorite ;)

Fun and Quick Exercise!

"Impulse Exercise"

It Can:

-Be done anywhere!
-Be done any time!
-Be done by anyone!
-Be FUN!
-Get your Heart Rate WAY up!
-Work A Lot Of Muscles!

SO What Exactly IS This Revolutionary Exercise?

Well, it's really Not hard or All!

What the heck is Impulse Exercise? I know you guys (and girls!) are thinking, "I have my gym routine! I pack up the bag, make the shake, and I'm Gone!"

The thing is.. you always prepare and you always get ready, but by the time you are out the door, or by the time you get there, you don't even want to go anymore! Or, you get there and you're like, "I don't even 'feel' like it now..." which is exactly what your body does not want (in the long run).

Do you think 10,000 years ago you could just prepare for anything physical?


You would eat or be eaten, run or be run over (no, not by car...this is 10,000 years ago!! It just means that you have to be quick and decisive). I highly recommend you adopt this "caveman" or "paleo" way of thinking.

Anyways, back to Impulse Exercise, Here's how to do it:

Anytime, Anywhere, I instantly Bust Out, Whip Out, or Crank Out:

-Jumping jacks
-Butt Kickers (Self-explanatory)
-Crab Walks (walk on your hands and feet with your butt facing the ground)

And a host of other random, unorthodox exercises.

That's it!

I also call this muscle confusion on steroids.

Your body doesn't even see it coming, so it gets your primal heartrate WAY up, because you are literally tricking your body into thinking it's going to be eaten!

It's a GREAT Cardio (Heart Rate Increase for Heart Health and Fat Loss) and Strength Training Workout (Actually WORKS functional muscles - unlike regular weight lifting) ALL in One!

Most of you probably already know what cardio is... but what do I mean by functional muscles and muscle confusion?

I mean that it's literally the opposite of boring, mundane, running on a cushioned, boring (did I say that yet?!) treadmill or sidewalk (obviously a sidewalk's not very cushioned, and it's hard on your knees/ankle/feet) which usually results in quitting.


So, I told you about what you can the question is...WHY AREN'T YOU DOING IT!

Haha, just kidding. But seriously, this can save you A LOT of time and A LOT of money on that gym membership and the time you waste on the internet looking for that new, simple way to exercise, because honestly, I strongly believe this is IT.

Hope that helped and Stay Tuned!


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Monday, June 11, 2012

Paleo Diet For Effective Fat Loss

Paleo Weight Loss :

Losing weight has always been a difficult and sometimes expensive job. It is usually governed by weight loss guru's and reputable companies all vying for your attention. This is big business and as ever with big business there are always the innocent victims caught up in the hype. This victim is you and I on the round about of dieting and having to lose weight for the party or the family wedding then putting it all back on again. This is a vicious circle of yo-yo dieting and as long as people do not look at the very simple things and stick to people offering a super fast fat loss system then these companies and guru's are going to keep thriving.

Paleo Diet For Effective Fat Loss

What is needed is a return to nature, a return to eating the way we should eat. The paleo diet is named after the Paleolithic people, our ancestors going back thousands of years. Experts have discovered through extensive research of remains what the health and diet of these people was. They ate a natural balanced diet and nearly all these people were slim and relatively healthy.

Eating a well balanced natural diet of healthy foods will lead you to lose weight, in fact it is as simple as what goes in should be less than what goes out. Which means that you should eat during the course of a normal day only the food you need to keep your body going. This is at the same time as burning what you eat and then burning your fat reserves because you will not be adding more food to your body. Following a diet of healthy vegetables and fruit with a mixture of natural fats such as nuts and seeds will give your body all it needs to keep it going. Eating the junk food of today will put unnatural fats into your system which cannot easily be broken down as natural fats can be. These fats then build up as large fatty deposits. You never saw or at least very rarely saw a fat person even only as far back as the second world war.

This then is what the paleo diet does and following this diet with an exercise regime will help you to lose fat quite easily. Eat a good wholesome balanced and natural diet of staple foods your body is designed to deal with in a healthy natural way and you will lose fat and keep it off.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Caveman Nutrition: Is This The Right Way To Eat For Fat Loss

Paleo Weight Loss :

John Williams, Ph.D., has degrees in archaeology and anthropology. His research and fieldwork has focused on the Paleolithic and Neolithic of the "Old World", which basically means the Stone Age of Europe, Africa and Asia. John has always had an interest in nutrition, which actually works quite well within prehistoric studies, because our past was one big food quest.

Caveman Nutrition: Is This The Right Way To Eat For Fat Loss

CB: John, you have an interesting background. Now, let's talk about North American nutrition for gaining muscle and losing fat. What's new in nutrition approaches for athletes, fat loss, and health?

I try to stay current with nutritional literature for my own interests, but I don't want to get in over my head with respect to performance nutrition for athletes. Others like John Berardi, who make a living in this field, would be better suited to discuss the latest and greatest approaches.

I have been reading a lot about fish oil lately, and its positive effects for both overall health and positive effects on body composition. Adding a little fish oil in your diet is one of the easiest ways to boost your metabolism. Recent studies have shown that as little as 3 grams of combined EPA and DHA (both omega-3 fatty acids) can speed your metabolic rate by about 400 k/cal per day.

These long-chain fatty acids also have a host of great health benefits, including brain health, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, better sugar management, and more. So by doing something as simple as popping a couple of fish oil caps with each meal, you can live a longer, leaner, brainier life!

CB: John, do you have any other superfoods that you think absolutely must be in everyone's diet?

Fish oil would be one, for the reasons given in the previous answer. Another must-have in everyone's diet is spinach. Among the leafy greens, spinach offers some of the best benefits in terms of vitamins and micronutrients. It's chock full of important phytochemicals, vitamin A, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorous, iron, folate and potassium.

But that's not all! Spinach is also one of the most alkaline foods available, which means that it helps neutralize acidic foods that are common in high protein diets. So by adding more spinach to our diet, we can alleviate a lot of stress on our muscles and bones.

I also think that most people could benefit from simply increasing their daily intake of fresh veggies and fruit. I'm not talking fruit juice or even V8, but the real deal: every color and variety of vegetables and fruit that you know of. This isn't groundbreaking news, but fresh fruit and vegetables provide an enormous amount of benefits, ranging from anti-cancer properties to improved blood lipids to increased energy.

Another food of the grain variety that I think many people would benefit from is quinoa (pronounced "KEEN-oowa"). It's a South American grain domesticated by the predecessors of the Incas that grows on a plant that looks a lot like spinach. So it's a "leafy grain" rather than a grass grain such as wheat and corn.

Quinoa is gluten-free, and contains none of the allergens common to grains from the grass family such as wheat, rye, barley, oats, and corn. Furthermore, quinoa contains lysine, an amino acid deficient in many grains, making it a complete protein. Quinoa is also an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and B vitamins. It's one of the good guys in the grain family, so pick some up next time your in a whole foods-type market.

CB: Are there any nutrition-fat loss myths that you would like to clear up?

With respect to the recent swing of the pendulum to low-carb diets, it seems that a lot of people used that as an excuse not to eat vegetables. Low carb diets certainly have their benefits for many people, but there is absolutely no excuse for avoiding a big serving of broccoli for fear of a few extra carbs. Unless it's drenched in margarine, broccoli (or insert any leafy green here) can do nothing but good.

CB: Thanks John. I believe that eating large amounts of fibrous vegetables is one of the keys to getting, and staying lean. How do you think someone should eat to get lean? Does eating to stay lean differ from getting lean?

Let me address the last question first: The ideal situation is to learn how to eat to maximize both your performance and health goals, and simply eat more or less according to how much muscle you want to gain versus how much fat you want to lose. In other words, eating to get lean and eating to stay lean would differ only in overall calories consumed.

There are certainly cases when someone would benefit from a more extreme diet like Atkins to remove years of overindulgence and bad dietary choices, but the danger is always there that the person will rebound unless they learn how to eat properly.

So, how do we eat to get (and stay) lean? I have a few simple rules, like caloric balance, sufficient protein, lots of whole veggies and fruit, no processed carbs outside of the post-workout window, balanced fats - and let's not forget the other side of the coin: activity (preferably a mixture of heavy lifting and some sort of cardio). There are certainly a lot of details within those rules, and tricks to make it work for your individual goals, but it all boils down to those simple rules.

My good friend John Berardi has spoken extensively on how some people have a tendency to replace hard lifting, and even a healthy diet, with the acquisition of knowledge. These folks have mediocre or even poor physiques, yet all of their time is spent in pursuit of the holy grail of fitness and nutrition knowledge. How many carbs does that 5.8 oz serving of artichoke have, and how will this affect insulin levels? Who cares, just eat the darn thing and go lift some heavy weights! The fact remains that it takes hard work in the gym to get a good physique, in addition to knowledge about how to lift and what to eat.

Obviously, the road goes both ways, and there are still hordes of folks out there that don't know an artichoke from a Twinkie, but the key is to not get lost in the minutia and neglect what really matters: a balanced diet and hard training.

CB: You have a Ph.D. in archaeology, and you've researched evolution and nutrition, correct? What lessons have you learned from your studies? How have we evolved to eat? Does it differ geographically?

That's right, Craig. We archaeologists love to make fun of trendy "Paleo-diets" and books like Neanderthin. There was no single paleo-diet; people during the Paleolithic ate whatever they could get their hands on, and what they ate depended upon what region of the world they were living. I recently talked with Erik Trinkaus, a paleoanthropologist and the world's premier expert on Neanderthals, and he summarized his thoughts on the matter by saying "the Neanderthal world was in no way idyllic. These folks had hard lives and died young, and their version of a paleo-diet was to eat whatever didn't eat them first".

That being said, there are certain lessons we can learn about our past that can help us understand why we're having so many diet-related problems today.

I have a few simple lessons from the archaeological record concerning nutrition:

1) Eat more protein and less of the other stuff.

In a nutshell, we've been eating a diet rich in plants, fish, and animals for millions of years now. There have been many studies published in peer-reviewed journals demonstrating that getting your protein consumption over the 10-15% national average has positive benefits in terms of body composition and blood lipids.

2) Get your carbs from their source.

Paleolithic people didn't have Krispy Kreme, otherwise they'd be as fat as your average sugar junkie today. Outside of the post-workout window, when simple sugars and fast-absorbing protein is desirable, we can all benefit from avoiding all of the hyper-processed food that litters the aisles of our grocery stores, and opting instead for foods in their original, unadulterated state. If you took a look in my kitchen cabinets, you'd see a variety of whole grains and legumes: quinoa, barley, steel-cut oats, oat bran, wheat bran, lentils, split peas, and chick peas.

3) Eat your veggies and fruit.

It's clear that we've evolved to reap the benefits of a diet rich in veggies and fruit, judging from the preserved remains of literally hundreds of varieties of wild plant foods at sites such as Ohalo II, a 23,000 year old fishing camp on the Sea of Galilee. I never realized how many veggie haters there are until I started trying to get my friends and family to eat more of them.

After months of avoidance, I finally convinced a good friend of mine to increase his vegetable intake. He was by no means fat, but he was getting frustrated with a slowly growing tire around his waist. I gave him some recipes to make things like broccoli and spinach more palatable, and he eventually took my advice. After this change, he is leaner than he has ever been in his life, and he is constantly telling me how much energy he has.

4) Balance those fats.

This is an issue that really ties-in with my prehistoric research. It's interesting to note how skewed the fatty-acid profile of the modern western diet is towards saturated fat and omega-6's, at the expense of monounsaturated and omega-3's. In our not so distant past, this wouldn't have been possible, because wild animals don't store so much overall fat, and they weren't fed corn meal to inflate the omega-6's in their adipose tissue. Also, our ancestors got a lot more omega-3's from wild plants, animals, and fish. All in all, it looks like we've evolved on a diet with a good amount of monounsaturated fats from nuts, seeds, and animals, as well as a nearly equal amount of omega-6's to omega-3's. Tons of studies have shown that an inflated omega-6 to omega-3 ratio is contributes to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, while getting a more balanced fatty-acid profile, including sufficient monounsaturated fats, actually protects against these health problems. What's the solution? Free range meat and eggs are always a good choice, and when you're buying meat from feedlot animals, go for the leanest varieties. Throw-out any corn oil in your cupboards and replace it with olive oil, and then eat plenty of fish and/or supplement with flax and fish oil.

CB: Thanks John. Excellent info. Simple guidelines. Focus on whole, natural foods.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

How to Burn Belly Fat by Eating Real Food and Doing Less Exercise

Paleo Weight Loss :

Many people turn to health food when they decide to burn belly fat. The problem is that the so-called "health food" you find in the supermarket is doing more damage than good. Many of the products that are labeled "low-fat" are often packed with sugar to make up for the flavor of reduced fat. Sugar that isn't burned is stored as fat. Therefore, if you are not understanding the labels on your food products, you could be consuming more sugar and gaining more weight.

How to Burn Belly Fat by Eating Real Food and Doing Less Exercise

A Solution to Your Food Dilemmas

Figuring out what to eat is probably one of the hardest things anyone deals with when trying to lose weight. There are so many diet books and plans out there, all that occurs is information overload. As for myself, I have realized that reducing the amount of carbs I eat works well for losing weight and keeping it off. This means eating real food such as lean meat, plenty of fresh veggies, fresh fruit, and good fats.

I avoid eating bread, baked goods, drinking soda, and stay away from processed food as much as possible. These types of carbs convert into sugar when eaten in excess. It is very easy to overeat foods such as bread or baked goods. A typical breakfast could be a bagel or breakfast burrito. Lunch could be a sandwich. Dinner may consist of pasta or a side dish of potatoes. Do you see how easily your daily carbohydrate intake can add up? All of that food, not to mention what you drink and sometimes even including dessert!

Two eating plans that work well are the paleo diet and clean eating diet. Both promote the consumption of whole foods (meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, etc.) and avoiding processed food. You can find plenty of information about both online.

Exercise Less and Burn Fat Like Crazy

A common mistake that happens with people attempting to lose weight is that they become cardio junkies. It is assumed that performing a lot of cardio will burn fat. What tends to happen is that too much cardio causes muscle loss. Our bodies need muscle mass in order to burn fat effectively.

If you are not a fan of cardio, then you will like knowing that strength training (lifting weights) is much more effective than cardio when it comes to burning fat. Our muscles burn calories even at rest. Therefore, the more muscle we build, the more calories burned.

Of course the options above are not for everyone. Everyone has their own requirements when it comes to learning how to burn belly fat.

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Friday, June 8, 2012

The Fastest Diet Is the One You'll Hold On To

Paleo Weight Loss :

The only sure path to lose weight fast is intaking fewer calories than you burn.

The Fastest Diet Is the One You'll Hold On To

Do you want to know the secret to take control of your weight that diet books have never told you? Take in fewer calories-it is not important how - and get some support for your efforts.

We've been told that playing with the form of calories is the way to lose weight:

  • low-fat diets, like the American Heart Association Step I diet or the Ornish diet
  • low-carb diets like the Atkins and South Beach diets
  • higher-protein approaches, like the Zone diet, had their moment of glory
  • everything in between, from "eat no sugar" to the Paleo Diet (eat like a cave man)

The latest conclusion, comparing various weight loss plans, however, is that what you eat is less important than how much you eat. What really matters for weight loss is that you take in fewer calories than you burn. How you get there is less important according to a study published in the February 26, 2009 New England Journal of Medicine.

Behavioral, psychological, and social factors are far more important for weight loss than the mix of nutrients in a diet.

If you really want to lose weight fast, find a diet that appeals to you. If it's one your family can follow, so much the better-that way you aren't making different meals for you and your family.

The form of the calories you take in matters for only one reason: helping you stick with the diet. If you prefer protein, then a higher-protein diet will help you lose weight better than a diet based on carbohydrates.

If you like variety and vegetables, try a Mediterranean is for you.

If you believe that eating fat makes you fat (it doesn't, anymore than eating protein or carbohydrate makes you fat), then try a low-fat approach like one of the Ornish plans.

Better yet, build your own weight loss plan. It should provide many choices, less restrictions, and be as good for your heart, bones, and brain as it is for your waistline.

It should be a diet you are excited about, or at least not being afraid of. Most important, it should provide fewer calories than you usually take in. But how can you determine that?

A nutritionist can help you figure out how many calories you usually take in. The process involves keeping a diary of everything you eat and drink over the course of three days. This can be converted to your daily caloric intake. You can also do this yourself online.

There are many online food logs that automatically calculate your calorie intake.

Another free site worth trying is MyPyramid Tracker, set up by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to support its new food pyramid. The site also has an exercise tracker.

Once you know how many calories you take in on a normal day, you can set a target for the future. A 500 calorie deficit is a good place to start. Do it for 7 days, and you'll lose a pound of fat (approx. 3,500 calories).

You can adjust your diet to take in 500 fewer calories a day.

Or you can diminish by 250 calories and exercise to burn the extra 250 calories (walk about 2 miles, swim for an extra 20 min., to your preference).

This kind of plan has a proven record of success!

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

What Are Good Foods To Eat For Weight Loss? - A Few Examples

Paleo Weight Loss :

Eating to lose weight sounds counter-intuitive doesn't it? After all isn't eating excessively what leads to weight gains for many of us? The advice to eat less and exercise more to reach your weight loss goals is extremely common. But perhaps the problem is more what we eat than the amount. Perhaps too why we eat over much, if we in fact do, is because of what we are eating. Maybe other foods would be more filling and provide longer lasting energy.

What Are Good Foods To Eat For Weight Loss? - A Few Examples

There are a few different authors and researchers who take a view sympathetic to the latter points. My experience tends to support these views as well. The type of food, the type of calories we consume has more of an impact on our body composition than just the amount consumed.

So you ask: what should i eat to lose weight? It's actually not too complicated. Most of the common meals we all consume on a daily basis, in part due to government recommendations, are based on a few different products. Unfortunately these products aren't conducive to maintaining an ideal body composition. For example corn is a major ingredient in most food products found in grocery stores. Soy and wheat are others. In order to lose weight or maintain an ideal body composition it's more beneficial to base our meals around some of the following foods:

1) Meats: Chicken, beef, fish etc.

2) Greens: Lettuce, spinach and similar leafy greens.

3) Root vegetables: Carrots, parsnips, turnips etc.

4) Nuts: Pecans, walnuts and almonds among others.

5) Some squashes such as butternut and acorn squashes.

6) Low glysemic impact fruits like: Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries.

When eating food products like this we're more likely to consume fresher, higher quality meals that contain less processed foods. These meals also have a reduced impact on blood sugar compared to what some call the Standard American Diet (SAD). This reduced impact on blood sugar means that our production of insulin is reduced and less glucose (perhaps none at all) from the blood stream is converted to fat deposits. Sounds like a good thing to me! Just think of all the meal possibilities available. Omelets, sausages, bacon and such for breakfast. You can even make lower impact pancakes from almond or coconut flour and top them with mixed fruit. All types of salads for lunch and a hearty steak dinner in the evening. If you're not convinced I'd encourage you to do a little research. This type of eating is sometimes called paleo or primal but you can just call it your own.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Primal-Nutrition: Ancestral Wisdom for a Modern Epidemic

Paleo Weight Loss :

There are diets named after people - Atkins, Pritkin, Rosedale, and Ornish; regions - Mediterranean and Asian; places - The Hamptons and Okinawa; and even how you cook, or don't cook, your food - Raw and Macrobiotic. There is definitely not a shortage of nutritional information; however, there IS a shortage of valuable and effective nutrition informational. The vast majority of books and recommendations are based on nothing more than faulty science and personal conjecture. The dizzying array of contradictory information confuses rather than informs, and cripples rather than equips. You can not turn on a TV or open a magazine without being bombarded by the latest diet fad or counseled by the next weight-loss guru. One day you're informed that a specific food is nothing short of a miracle, and the next day you're informed that consumption of that very miracle food assures untimely disease and death.

Primal-Nutrition: Ancestral Wisdom for a Modern Epidemic

The fact of the matter is that in order to move our nutritional status forward, we need to look backward. Our genome has evolved through Darwinian natural selection, or trial and error, over hundreds of thousands of years, and its proper expression necessitates a lifestyle that is harmonious with our evolution. Our bodies are adapted to subsist and thrive on the foodstuffs available to our ancestors prior to the advent of farming and processing techniques developed during the Neolithic revolution. This dietary regimen is broadly known as the Paleo diet and represents humanities only natural form of sustenance. By following this regimen you can drastically improve your health, performance, and body composition, while simultaneously slashing your risk of acquiring the various degenerative diseases that plague modern society such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimers. The tenets of this regimen are extremely simple and straightforward. There is no need to count calories, carbohydrates, or fat grams. Eat when hungry, and until you're full.

Do eat: Meats, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. These are the foods that bestowed our ancestors with the robust health necessary to face a harsh environment free of degenerative disease.

Do not eat: Grains, dairy, potatoes, beans, sugar, or any type of processed food. These foodstuffs are inedible without processing techniques developed roughly 10,000 years ago (less than a hundred years for many of the foods found in your average supermarket); a blink of an eye in the evolution of man. As such, our bodies have not physiologically adapted to properly handle these foods, and their consumption results in various pathologies.

It is immediately evident that current dietary recommendations are at odds with how we are genetically programmed to eat. Various world-renowned researchers, such as Loren Cordain, feel that the root cause of the majority of modern disease lay within our departure from our ancestral diet. Neolithic foods are calorie dense and nutrient poor, tend to cause large elevations in insulin levels (the number one biomarker for aging), create a condition of chronic inflammation in the body, and cause wild swings in blood sugar that lead to ravenous hunger and a lack of satiety. All of this translates into unhealthy levels of bodyfat, sub par health, and eventually chronic disease. Scary as this may be, we as people have the ability to consciously avoid these foods in favor of those that promote health, well-being, and longevity.

Paleo foods are dense in nutrients, low in calories, tend to have a low glycemic index, modulate inflammation, and induce satiety. This translates into optimized health, and an excellent defense against chronic disease. Paleo nutrition is not only a panacea for health, but also for fitness and performance. The regimen effectively regulates insulin and satiety thereby creating the ideal environment for the optimization of body composition. The nutrient density of the regimen is extremely high and promotes rapid recovery allowing the individual to work out at a high intensity on a more frequent basis. The protein content of the diet is high and promotes the accrual of lean body mass and recovery of damaged muscle tissue. Forget diet trends and fads that come and go like the wind, adopt the only nutritional protocol designed by nature, and optimize your health, fitness, and performance.

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Paleo Diet Versus Atkins Diet

Paleo Weight Loss :

It is important to note that both the Paleo diet and the Atkins diet are low carbohydrate diets. The difference in the two diets lies in the purpose of adopting each of the diet plans. This difference can therefore be analyzed by looking at each of the diets individually then trying to compare between the two.

Paleo Diet Versus Atkins Diet

To begin with, the Paleo diet is a kind of diet that is based on adopting a particular lifestyle. This involves eating of food that was originally eaten by our ancestors when there was no technology to process the food as well as agricultural farming.

This therefore meant that people of this era depended on food that was collected by the hunters and gatherers. This diet is limiting to some extent as it does not provide an individual with a variety of options to choose from as is the case in Paleo diet menu.

Additionally, this program allows people to feed on fruits and vegetables as companions to the proteins. This therefore makes the diet quite healthy as a number of nutrients are ready to be absorbed and available from the diet. There is also high intake of fatty acids which are essential in the functioning of the body. This diet is liked and is highly recommended because of its ability to reduce and limit diseases that are currently heightened by the poor feeding habits that involves highly processed and refined foods.

On the other hand Paleo diet is totally different from the Atkins plan because while Paleo diet totally restricts grains or legumes in any form, Atkins program does allow using limited amount of carbs, and these may be source from unprocessed and unrefined carbs.

With the Atkins weight loss plan, the main intention is to lose weight fast and thus initially, people subsist on food that does not have any amount of carbohydrates. This omission of carbohydrates in the dietary list tricks the body into starving that leads to losing weight faster than one could imagine. Paleo diet does not encourage any fasting or restriction on metabolism, as carbs are being consumed in form of veggies and fruits.

Additionally, Atkins plan emphasizes on eating lots of fat and protein which is not a healthy choice. This kind of diet allows the intake of carbohydrates once loss of weight is experienced. The sole purpose of this plan is losing weight, while Paleo diet focuses on losing weight and staying healthy too.

Therefore, it is evident that Paleo diet and Atkins diet vary in the content that has to be taken as well as the main purpose as to why they are taken.

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

How to Lose Lower Belly Fat With a Very Simple Diet and Exercise Plan

Paleo Weight Loss :

Lower belly fat is often referred to as the "little pouch" that protrudes and causes clothes to fit tighter, particularly our pants. Belly fat is not only a nuisance and unattractive, it is also dangerous in terms of increased health risks. Whether you have a beer belly or the little pouch, belly fat is all the same when it comes to dangerous health factors. Excess fat around our mid-sections can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure just to name a few.

How to Lose Lower Belly Fat With a Very Simple Diet and Exercise Plan

Losing extra weight doesn't have to be overly complicated the way many diet books would have you believe. I like to find very simple ways to make life easier. Staying fit is no different. I don't want to count calories or weigh my food. Unless you don't mind doing those things, most of us don't have the time. That is what made me do some research of my own for a diet that is simple and would work well as a positive healthy lifestyle change.

This particular way of eating is known as the paleo (paleolithic) diet. It is also referred to as primal, hunter-gatherer, or caveman diet. What makes this such a good way of eating? Simply because it is based on the eating habits of hunter-gatherers which consisted of meat, seafood, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. Essentially, foods we were designed to eat.

Foods to be avoided include bread, rice, pasta, cereal, beans, sugar, and any processed food. Since simple carbs are avoided, our bodies begin to rely on our fat stores for energy, thus burning fat and causing weight loss. Don't forget to account for the beverages you consume. Sugar is also in the sodas, fancy coffees, and smoothies you buy. Alcohol isn't recommended but wine should be fine in moderation.

Any exercise that is performed is an added bonus. Exercise can aid in weight loss but excessive cardio is not necessary.

A mistake many people make is to become obsessed with cardio. Too much cardio can cause the body to take energy from our muscle. A better form of exercise is interval training. You combine body weight exercises with weights (optional) to burn fat in the least amount of time while being efficient. Most workouts can be done in 45 minutes a few times per week. Remember, I am about simplicity when it comes to losing belly fat.

There you have it. A simple way of eating and exercise that doesn't involve counting calories and long exercise sessions.

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cinnamon - A Sweet Way to Burn Fat

Paleo Weight Loss :

Many spices have been shown to boost the body's ability to burn fat, and cinnamon is one of the most popular agents! Cinnamon is a commonly consumed ingredient that can be added to a variety of foods and recipes to provide dieters with tastier treats and enhanced benefits for weight loss.

Cinnamon - A Sweet Way to Burn Fat

The Secrets of Cinnamon and its Fat Burning Powers

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, researchers have revealed that the simple consumption of cinnamon boosts the body's metabolism. These reports found that when consuming only ¼ to 1 teaspoon of this spice, the body's metabolism can even be increased 20 times beyond its natural ability, allowing the body to burn stored fat and calories more quickly and efficiently. Essentially, when the body's metabolism is enhanced, the body is able to utilize stored fat cells for energy. When dieters have a slow metabolism, their body does not burn off this stored fat, leading to weight gain or inability to lose weight.

Also, when consumed with other foods, studies show that cinnamon additionally helps the body to metabolize sugars more efficiently and effectively, leading to a decrease in blood sugar levels. By lowering the body's blood sugar levels, the body is able to regulate its energy levels, food cravings, hunger signals, while this also decreases the body's tendency to store fat. With the benefits of a boosted metabolism and blood sugar balance, cinnamon ultimately helps the fat cells in the body to become more responsive to insulin levels in the blood, leading to incredible fat burning and weight loss benefits.

Adding This Sweet Spice to Your Life

To add this tasty fat burning food to some of your favorite meals or snacks, consider sprinkling a bit of cinnamon on items such as:

  • Add a bit of cinnamon to tea or coffee. Many fall-flavored teas combine well with cinnamon, especially apple and berry flavored teas. Or, try out some teas that already contain cinnamon in the flavor profile-with these, you can even add a bit more to your cup!
  • If it appeals to your palate and taste buds, increase the designated amount of cinnamon when it's included in recipes. If you really like the flavor boost, you can even try doubling the measurement that's suggested from your favorite recipes to boost the weight loss benefits.
  • Add cinnamon to other non-flavored foods that help with weight loss [], such as:
    • Plain oatmeal has incredible fat burning powers, but these weight loss benefits are often only experienced when oatmeal is flavorless, as the varieties that are flavor-enhanced often contain fattening agents and added sugar. To benefit from oatmeal without packing on pounds, add cinnamon to your morning meal!

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Friday, June 1, 2012

Sensa Sprinkle Diet - Does it Work?

Paleo Weight Loss :

Do you want to eat all you can and lose weight at the same time? In today's news, there's a new diet called "Sensa Sprinkle Diet". It is developed by Dr. Alan Hirsch of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation. In a recent research by Dr Hirsch, 1500 people were put on this diet without changing their lifestyle. After 6 months, each of them has lost 35.5 pounds in average. The question is: does Sensa Sprinkle Diet really works?

Sensa Sprinkle Diet - Does it Work?

Firstly, you have to understand the concept behind this diet. In this diet, you will need Sensa shaker which consists of salt-like sprinkles. There are two flavors available: sweet and salty. All you have to do is sprinkles the Sensa on foods that you eat. These sprinkles send signals to your brain that you have eaten more than you have. In other words, the sprinkles work as natural appetite suppressant like Hoodia. As a result, you will be eating a lot less and result in weight loss.

The major advantage for Sensa Sprinkle diet is convenience. You do not have to worry about the amount of calories and carbohydrates that you consume. In theory, you do not need to change your lifestyle. However, it is recommended that you use Sensa Sprinkle in conjunction with healthy meals and exercise regime.

Before you rush to get buy the Sensa product, consider the cost: it is 0 for six months supply. It is rather pricey for weight loss products. While the concept of Sensa Sprinkle Diet sound intriguing, you can't help but wonder if you will gain all the weight back if you stop using Sensa sprinkles. In addition, Dr. Hirsch said that the long term effects and safety of Sensa diet haven't been study yet.

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