Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Paleo Diet and Celiac Disease

Paleo Weight Loss :

Some people suffer from damage to their stomachs whenever they eat gluten and other proteins that are typically found in grains and oats. Whenever these materials are ingested, the tiny villi in the stomach that absorb nutrients become flattened and unable to absorb nutrients. People who have this disorder may have symptoms of malnourishment, abdominal pain, constipation, and many other symptoms. This is called Celiac Disease and people with this condition have to be really careful with what they eat and often have to be on special diets or meal plans.There are several paleo diet advantages for Celiac Disease that should be considered.

Paleo Diet and Celiac Disease

The paleo diet is often called the "caveman's diet" because you are only allowed to eat the things that would have been available to cavemen. You cannot eat any grains, beans, or any type of processed food at all. Mostly, you eat a whole lot of meat, veggies, and fruit. Some versions of this meal plan allow you to eat dairy products and others do not.

This meal plan is ideal for individuals with this disorder because it completely eliminates grains from the menu. Grains and beans were not available to cavemen and are therefore not allowed in this meal plan. It is designed to make sure that you still receive all the nutrients and benefits associated with eating grains without actually eating them.

Individuals who have this disorder may suffer from frequent attacks of diarrhea or constipation. This meal plan helps to provide your body with a great deal of fiber that may help with that problem. Fiber helps to regulate waste functions and has many other health benefits as well.

The Paleo plan is designed to provide the dieter with a great deal of energy. Since sufferers of Celiac Disease will often suffer from fatigue and energy loss which can make it very difficult to get through the day. More energy will make it much easier to live without constantly having rely on energy supplements or drinking caffeine products simply to stay awake.

Many people with this disorder have skin conditions and discoloration. Because the food that is eaten in this plan is all natural, it cuts out a lot of the foods that often cause the problems. It is proven to help a person have healthier and clearer skin once they have started this plan.

The foods that are allowed in this plan are all high in nutrients and vitamins that may be lacking from some processed foods. Since individuals with this disorder often have problems with vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, this can be ideal for them. Many processed foods contain the things that are bodies need, but do not have them in a form that is easily digested or absorbed by our bodies.

There are many other advantages to this that should be noted by everyone. This plan will help you lose weight, lower your cholesterol, and have a stronger immune system. It is believed that cavemen died mostly because of injuries not disease. Evidence shows that he doesn't show any of the signs of diabetes, cancer, or any of the myriad other diseases that plague us today.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Lose Weight the Cave Man Style

Paleo Weight Loss :

Never underestimate the basics! Primal living takes a whole lot more than what it meets the eye. Prehistoric humans ate food only when they are able to hunt down wild-animals and gather edible plants, which are basically fruits and vegetables. Nothing synthetic or artificial substances were taken up as part of their food pyramid. All is natural and organic. Such ways of food lifestyle brings forth a diet plan inspired by imitating a prehistoric way of eating, called, the Paleo Diet. Paleo Diet is also called the Cave man Diet, the Evolutionary Diet and oddly, the Dinosaur Diet.

Lose Weight the Cave Man Style

Paleo Diet is mainly based on the food lifestyle of these prehistoric humans. Paleo Diet, a much healthier diet where food is purely based on meats, fruits and vegetables. It principally holds down the idea that what we eat is what we've become. The more we ate processed foods the more we become unhealthy, eating such foods cause a lot of implications that turns out into terrible diseases. By aping the food group eaten by the cave men, it mainly brings us closer to a more natural way of eating, bringing a healthier outcome to a man's body.

Paleo Recipe-List

Paleo Diet, what is not eaten by these prehistoric ancestors is out from your own the food list. On the food list, includes only, meats, eggs, seafood, fruits and vegetables that are only gathered naturally but not cultivated. It looks likely offbeat eating without the energy-giving food group but what is really eaten by ancestors is what we mimic through this diet. Grains, rice, pasta and dairies are restricted all throughout the diet. Carbohydrates may only be obtained only in eating vegetables.

Oils can only be gain out from non-agricultural raised seeds, such as, avocados, olive, oil palm and coconuts. Meats that are eaten should also be lean, raised only in non-agricultural manner or preferably grass-fed animals, these are better off than eating those who are commercially fed. Fish and other seafood should be caught wildly rather than in cultured pens.

As for beverages, water is the only beverage allowed but organic tea leaves are also considered. Alcohol consumption and fruit juices are eliminated from the diet. Fruit juices are eliminated due to their concentrated fructose, glucose and sugar contents which is basically not a Paleolithic way. Salt is also removed from the diet; no salt is used during the prehistoric times. Anything related to excessive sweets and sugars are also not welcomed.

Do the hunting yourself!

It's not basically you go out hunting for your own food in today's modernized era but rather copying the active lifestyle of these prehistoric ancestral hunters. They go out fishing, hunting and walk for days in search for food. As a substitute for hunting food, you can walk, jog and do several exercises equivalent that to a caveman's hunting activity. The point of this is that do not rely too much on a low-caloric diet but walking out those sexy legs would just be a whole lot better than doing nothing.


Paleo Diet, is not just an ordinary diet. It takes out a lot of modern-based agricultural foods and it takes a lot of guts in eliminating them from your diet. Purely are based on foods can be hunted and gathered. It is a low-caloric diet and highly nutritious considering vitamins and minerals present in the organic meat, fruits and vegetables. Taking additional food supplements is highly not considered since it is a non-Paleolithic way. Sticking to the basics is basically what this diet is all about.

Paleo Diet is also a lifestyle change. The more basic your food lifestyle is, the more it is healthier. Looking up to the ancestors who were free of artificial food products and living life the simpler way models out this amazing ancestral diet.

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

What Are Some Basic Paleo Diets Foods?

Paleo Weight Loss :

So, you are interested in the Paleo diet, well get comfortable as I will explain how the this diet originated, describe some basic Paleo diet foods and educate you by providing a realistic idea of the type of results this diet brings.

What Are Some Basic Paleo Diets Foods?

The basis of the Paleo diet is simple as back in the mid 1970's some people in the medical profession decided to put together a diet plan based on foods that the caveman ate well over 10,000 years ago.

The reasoning behind this diet was many people in the scientific world had concluded that the caveman was extremely physically fit, full of energy and free the tragic chronic diseases killing people today in the western world.

Just to let you know the chronic diseases I am referring to are the one's that develop slowly and silently causing prolonged severe health issues and eventually leading to death. Examples are colon cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and the one that really scares me, heart disease.

Many people fail to realize that these chronic diseases were not that common as recent as 100 years ago but today are part of everyday news. Ask any doctor or nutritionist why and they will tell it all comes down to a person's diet. We are slowly killing ourselves with food, not just any food but fatty processed foods filled with preservatives that are common in most daily diets.

The caveman had many issues during his time but heart disease, colon cancer and diabetes were not one of them. So, just what made the caveman so healthy and free from chronic disease? Let's take a look.

The caveman was a hunter and gatherer who did not plant crops and harvest foods. The caveman survived by eating the foods that his environment provided. This would be meat and fish, fruits and vegetables along with nuts and berries provided the cavemen with all the nutrients he needed.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Hydration for High-Intensity Athletes

Paleo Weight Loss :

Disclaimer: this article is written from personal experience, research, and knowledge acquired through trial and error. Your experience may vary when it comes to your own hydration. If you have an idea or differing view on the subject, please feel free to comment below. We love a good discussion that we can learn from! Make sure you consult your health-care professional before embarking on any workout or diet modifications based on what you read in this article or anywhere else.

Hydration for High-Intensity Athletes

Water. It's essential to cell function, daily life and optimal athletic performance. In this day of society flooding us with soda, fruit drinks and sugar filled athletic drinks, it can be very hard to make the right decision when it comes to your own hydration. In this article, I'll attempt to put you on the right path to proper hydration.

So how much water do you drink every day? Do you subscribe to the old 8 glasses of water a day? According to a 2002 study published in the American Journal of Physiology, the old 8 glasses of water a day is in fact, an 'old-school' thing. According to the researcher, Heinz Valtin, there is no reason a healthy adult living in a temperate climate not engaged in physical activity should consume a large amount of water. However, as someone who engages in large amounts of rigorous physical activity, not to mention my job which results in sweating buckets in my bunker-gear for even the simplest of calls, there are individuals that indeed require more hydration than the average human.

High-intensity athletes should indeed subscribe to the old 8 glasses a day - and then some!

The truth is that many of us walk around every day in a dehydrated state and we don't even know it. The adult body is made up of about 60% water, and the brain can have as much as 70%. There are three ways your body loses water: urine, feces, and insensible loses. Insensible water loss occurs in two ways: through exhalation of water vapor in the lungs and through perspiration (sweat). Consequently, we are losing water all the time. When we workout intensely or fight a fire, the loss is even greater. The body can lose 1-2 liters of fluid per hour when working intensely. Some early signs of dehydration can include:

- Dry, sticky mouth

- Feeling lethargic

- Headache

- Dizziness/lightheadedness

When not addressed early on, you can reach moderate to severe dehydration. This can lead to heat exhaustion or heatstroke. Heatstroke is a life threatening condition that must be corrected immediately. Your best bet is to simply avoid this problem by staying hydrated! When at work, I go out of my way to drink a large glass of water through-out the day. If you get called out to a fire when you are already thirsty (as a firefighter I can attest to this first-hand!), this can be particularly dangerous and even work it's way into being a life-threatening mistake.

There are various ways you can calculate the amount of water you need to drink to stay hydrated if you are into high-intensity and challenging workouts. The formula I subscribe to is to drink half your body weight in ounce of water. I weigh 170lb, therefore I need to drink 85oz of water a day just to stay hydrated. Now you may be thinking "wow, that is a lot of water!!" and you're right, it is! It can be a challenge to drink this much water every day. You have to be diligent and have a plan in place. When I started seriously paying attention to my water intake, I would use a 1 liter Nalgene water bottle. 1 liter of fluid is equal to 33.8 ounces of water which is less than half of my required daily intake of water. A challenge I had to face was the realization that my daily water consumption worked out to roughly 2.5 of those bottles a day! This may sound trivial, but that idea alone really bothered me! To solve the issue, I found myself a 16 ounce Nalgene bottle. I find it much easier to drink the required amount of water using a smaller container. It was a mental thing for me, but that's what worked!

It's important to remember that not all the water your body requires on a daily basis has to be taken from a bottle or glass - you also obtain water from the food you eat. It could be easy to overdo it so pay attention to the food you eat as well through-out the day. Nearly 20% of the average adult's water intake comes from their food. For an idea of how much water you consume from your food, keep a food log (which will also help you pinpoint what your diet is like in the first place) and calculate it for a rough idea (just Google 'Food water content' for a multitude of websites that offer charts with this information).

Although I am advocating you drink more water, you need to be careful in this endeavor. I would start off slowly and monitor your progress. Just because you are peeing clear (as the old pee-myth goes) doesn't mean it's a good thing. Depending on your diet and your level of intense physical activity, you could be peeing out a large portion of your electrolytes. If you eat a paleo style diet, which is low in salt, you could be putting yourself in trouble (ie. Hyponatremia). You may need to supplement with electrolytes or salt tablets. These will also help you retain water instead of running to the bathroom every five minutes to pee. I like to supplement with Nuun tablets as they offer the benefits of Gatorade without the excess sugar or carbs.

Whatever you decide best suites your needs, I encourage you to stay hydrated!

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Why Eating Paleo Foods Has Helped Thousands to Lose Weight

Paleo Weight Loss :

Weight Loss and Paleo Diet Foods

Why Eating Paleo Foods Has Helped Thousands to Lose Weight

So - how many diets have you been a slave to?? How many of these have had positive results? Most importantly - if successful -how long did the weight stay off? AND even more importantly how many of these diets resulted in you experiencing extra vitality, superb health, general wellbeing and MAINTAINED WEIGHT LOSS?

90% of diets require a severely restricted eating plan requiring calorie/kilojoule counting or alternatively a container of powder food to consume as the weight supposedly melts away. For some, losing weight is a constant battle, however with Paleo foods weight loss is natural and comes as an added bonus to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Paleo food is grain and dairy (in all forms) FREE..

As far as we know there were no obese, overweight, cholesterol affected cavemen. The reason for this being firstly the foods they were consuming were foraged and hunted for and secondly they were totally natural ie organic. The constant hunting and gathering resulted in regular exercise. Paleo foods available to the caveman were foods 'created' by mother nature for the maximum functionality of the human body

You will notice initially when you set out on the Paleo diet there will be quite a sudden and substantial weight loss. Once you level out it will take a little more effort eg exercising regularly and adequately. The weight loss will be slightly slower but regular and you can be assured that it will be fat and not muscle that you are losing. So often we rush into a fad weight loss plan that promises substantial weight loss in the minimum time where in fact, yes, you will change size, but is it fat or is it muscle? You may think well weight loss is weight loss, however we need muscle tissue, excess fat is what we need to target and lose.

Yes to a small degree calories need to be watched and portions to be reasonable. Excess fat to be trimmed from meat and skin removed from poultry.. Truth be told once you are on Paleo foods you will feel content and satisfied and those cravings for starchy, stodgy and sweet foods will be a thing of the past. You will find your eating habits and cravings being controlled naturally and you will be eating to live not living to eat.

You may still experience some gnawing hunger pangs from time to time. There is no problem with that as mid-meal snacks are allowed BUT be sensible and choose foods from the Paleo foods list. By eating Paleo foods you are eating food designed by mother nature for the human body. Paleo foods digest and are metabolized more efficiently with the result you will find your energy level boosted, your immune system improved, you will feel happier and slimmer and walk with a spring in your step.

In the caveman era Paleo foods eaten were absolutely natural and wild - free of any contamination. Sourcing and buying fresher and more naturally produced food is what you will need to concentrate on. Most supermarkets are now stocking organic or free range products however should this not be the case in your town try and source local farmers' markets - why not even attempt to grow some of the vegetables, fruits and herbs yourself.

By following an organic or natural eating plan your body can primarily concentrate on metabolizing and processing food efficiently and not have to contend with the elimination of toxic chemicals that are not recognised and result in metabolism slowing down and thus weight loss may not occur at all could be minimal.

All grains, dairy and root vegetables are excluded from the plan. Initially this may cause alarm, however you will soon learn that there is more than enough variety on the list to enjoy wholesome, nourishing and satisfying meals. See our 10 free recipes as proof of this.

If maintained weight loss is your ultimate goal then Paleo foods is your path to success.

Good luck, enjoy - you will not regret the change over to the Paleo foods way of living!!

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Pros and Cons of Paleo Diet for Weight Loss

Paleo Weight Loss :

There are innumerable ways that speak about how to lose weight. So, if you are thinking about the idea of actually trying a diet to put a brake on your weight gain, you really have a huge heap to choose from. One of the diets that created quite a buzz in the weight loss arena is the Paleolithic Diet, dubbed as the Paleo diet.

Pros and Cons of Paleo Diet for Weight Loss

Obviously, the name says it all. It is a diet based on the eating habits of a Paleolithic man, commonly known as a caveman or a hunter during the Stone Age. Thinking about their diet, you might picture our ancestors hunting wild boars and eating fresh fruits, which is exactly the emphasis of this diet. Since they used to scavenge on the resources that were limited to their environment, a diet of a cave dweller was basically more of protein and less of carbohydrates.

Considering that their main supply of food consisted of lean meats-a good source of protein, fruits-for vitamins and minerals, fish-a good provider of fatty acids, grains and other sources of sugar are nearly nonexistent since they were not the type to grow crops and herd animals. Thus, explaining the exclusion of legumes, salt and dairy products in the Paleo diet.

This particular diet met a lot of criticism. Critics feel that there are foods included in the Paleo diet that contradicts the list of other popular diet plans. They consider it to be unfeasible to actually mimic the exact food selection of the hunt-gatherers. They also consider this diet to be restrictive because even though the diet includes fruits and vegetables, other carbs and even dairy products are not included.

However, some cons can be overlooked because the advantages outweigh it. Can you think about any single record that says that those who lived in the Paleolithic Era suffered from high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, diabetes or cancer? Most of them died from accidents during hunting and old age, but not from the conditions that has a constant increase in our society nowadays. Because it lacks of additives and processed foods, it is considered as naturally healthy. It requires no computations and measurements. And it gives an emphasis on physical activity, and calcium is not only found in dairy products but in the greens as well.

Losing weight is tough. And even though everyone wants to lose those excess fats in the fastest way possible, it's always nice to take things slow and lose it the healthy way!

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Exercise And Fitness - Best Selling Books

Paleo Weight Loss :

The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman by Timothy Ferriss proves that it is possible to reach your genetic potential in 6 months, sleep two hours per day and perform better than on 8 hours, and lose more fat than a marathoner by binge eating. This book is the result of an obsessive quest to hack the human body and contains collective wisdom of hundred of elite athlets, dozens of doctors, and hours of personal experimentation. This book provides answers for both men and women and will help you at the gym and in the bedroom.

Exercise And Fitness - Best Selling Books

Born to Run by Christopher McDougall is an epic adventure that began with a simple question: "Why does my foot hurt?" In search of an answer, McDougall sets off to find a tribe of the world's greatest runners and learn all of their secrets. In the process, he shows that everything we know about running is wrong. The exclusive Tarahumara Indians of the Copper Canyons in Mexico have practiced techniques that allow them to runs hundreds of miles without rest. Their superhuamn talent is matched by their incredible health and serenity, leaving them immune to diseases. In this book, the author uncovers their secrets and finds his own inner ultra-athlete.

Everyday Paleo written by Sarah Fragoso and Robb Wolf can help you lose weight, regain your health, and achieve a level of fitness you never thought possible. In this book, detailed instructions for acquiring a Paleo lifestyle and improving health and longevity of your family are provided. Fragoso shows that eating Paleo is not only feasible but also easy and delicious. She offers recipes for all meals of the day and provides tips for common obstacles. Also included are easy to follow workout routines. This book shows you how to make Paleo your lifestyle and not just another fad diet.

20 Years Younger: Look Younger, Feel Younger, Be Younger! By Bob Greene, Harold Lancer, Ronald Kotler, and Diane Mckay teach you how to turn back the clock by offering you a practical and science-based plan for looking and feeling your best as your age. This program details easy and effective steps that we can all take to rebuild the foundation of youth and enjoy better health, improved energy, and positive outlook on life. Also included is practical advice on changing appearances, controlling stress, staying mentally sharp, and much more. You will walk away with a better understanding of how the body ages and what you can do to feel 20 years younger.

You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises by Mark Lauren and Joshua Clark shows you a do-anywhere program for getting into amazing shape. It is for men and women of all athletic abilities. Elite trainer Mark Lauren has been preparing nearly one thousand soldiers by getting them lean and strong in record time. Now he shares the secret to his effective regimen with readers like you. If you use Lauren's motivation techniques, expert training, and nutrition advice you will see rapid results by just working out thirty minutes a day and four times a week. These exercises build more metabolism, more muscle, burn more fat than aerobics.

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Slow Carb Dieting for Vegetarians

Paleo Weight Loss :

At first glance the slow carb diet can seem extremely meat heavy. Having many of its roots in the paleo style of dieting, eating as we are evolved to do so being a hunter-gatherer species, there is a great emphasis on animal protein as a source of calories and nutrition. So can you successfully and healthily slow-carb-diet as a vegetarian? Yes, you can. If you are vegan, and eat no animal-derived foods at all, it will be much more difficult - but lacto-ovo vegetarians should have no problems.

Slow Carb Dieting for Vegetarians

Every vegetarian is used to fielding that old chestnut of a question, 'so, where do you get your protein then?' Obviously most of us aren't wasting away, and just about have the metabolic energy to explain (again) about complete and incomplete vegetable protein, how there are amino acids in just about every plant cell we consume, and how we don't have to eat all the essential ones in each meal, etc. Vegetarians are less likely to suffer from health conditions related to over-consumption of protein, but actual deficiency is extremely rare in the developed world.

On the slow carb diet, the lack of dairy is a frustration that lacto-ovo vegetarians might have trouble adjusting to. Dairy produce is probably the main reason for vegetarians ending up overweight in the first place, particularly cheese - providing a solid savory taste, it's easy to use it as a protein source in many meals, without being overly aware of the huge calorie density it provides. But on the slow carb diet, your protein is going to come from...

  • Those pulses you are eating at every meal - yes they are there to provide fiber, but also provide a high-quality vegetarian protein source, and you should judge portions accordingly
  • Nuts and nut butters - but beware the tumbling of dominoes along with your willpower, and purchase in small portions only!
  • Cottage cheese - permitted in small quantities. When purchasing from a store that has several brands, look closely at the indicated carb content and sugars, the variation may surprise you, and 'reduced fat' variants that might initially appeal to dieters are often higher in sugars as a result
  • Protein shakes - check ingredients carefully for sugars, and also for actual vegetarian content
  • Eggs - you are going to be eating a LOT of eggs!

Tim Ferriss is amongst many commentators and researchers who hold strong views on the appropriateness of soy protein in human nutrition - for many the jury is still out on this, but whilst the evidence gathering continues, it is wise to avoid over-dependency on soy in its many forms (for example tofu, tempeh, vegetarian meat substitutes, etc). This is particularly important if you are male and of reproductive age... and if you do want to eat tofu etc, then be sure to seek an organic source, as virtually all other soy beans have genetically modified origins in the US, and it may facilitate digestion to eat along with a fermented food such as miso or sauerkraut (or a probiotic supplement).

Most importantly though as a vegetarian is to learn to love eggs. Find an animal-friendly source of free-range organic eggs, and explore the multitude of ways you can prepare them - fried, poached, scrambled, boiled, hard boiled, baked, they can be enjoyed in so many different ways simply cooked alone, and once you start finding some great recipes to use them in then the sky is the limit. Sometimes people are concerned about eating 'too many' eggs due to their high cholesterol content, but the most recent research has debunked that direct correlation between personal cholesterol levels and the amount of cholesterol consumed, so you can safely consume several eggs a day as part of a balanced diet, particularly if it's not done in conjunction with a load of meat.

Don't forget to add your PAGG supplement for additional vegetarian enhancement of your slow-carb-diet - the plant derivation of all elements of the PAGG stack are another successful indicator for the effects of a plant-based diet on weight loss. Above all don't let the 'meat-heavy' aspects of the published slow-carb diet put you off attempting the plan as a vegetarian, because there is a growing canon of delicious and healthy vegetarian recipes to support your successful and healthy weight loss. And if you can break your Edam Cheese addiction into the bargain, it's got to be a win-win.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Eat, Sleep and Play to Be Young and Fit

Paleo Weight Loss :

People have never been fatter, sicker and weaker than they are now. Whenever I travel to the US I am blown away at how many people are fat and grossly out of shape. Canada is getting there too but seems to be a decade behind or so. I was in Walmart here in Calgary the other day and literally became worried about Western Civilization.

Eat, Sleep and Play to Be Young and Fit

Why are fat kids drinking slurpies while their parents load the grocery cart with cheap processed poison a common site now? Obesity and diabetes are epidemic in North America. Why? Unfortunately the common response to being obese seems to be taking drugs and then as a last resort surgery. It drives me crazy!

The solution to the obesity epidemic is so simple and free that I don't understand why this is even a problem. Hey, I was fat too, and after a little reading and self searching I have never struggled with my weight again. All we have to do is look back before our world changed and conspired to make us fat and weak for profit. Look back at how people lived before being 30% body fat was considered normal.

Before the industrial revolution:

People ate unprocessed foods. They did eat a lot of grains, but their grains were actually wholesome and were eaten to fill a hungry belly more than anything else. Meat was craved, and veggies were always beside them.

Do not listen to anything you ever see on TV about food, especially supposed health food. If it comes in a wrapper and has any chemicals in it, it is not healthy or natural, despite what Kelloggs and General Mills would have you believe.

I am a big believer in the Paleo diet and as a result think you should only eat what nature has provided humans for thousands of years.

Eat This:

* natural or organic meat
* tons of veggies
* some fruit
* nuts
* natural full fat yogurt
* berries
* fish, especially fatty omega-3 fish like wild salmon

Do not eat this:

* grains
- don't believe the hype, even the most natural grains are filled with phytoestrogens and phytades which actually prevent the absorption of nutrients
* milk
- it is basically chemical sugar water now, it is so far removed from what comes out of a cow that I don't think anyone should drink it
* anything processed (in a package or wrapper)
* alcohol, obviously
* sugar
- it promotes cancer in the body and actually feeds cancer cells
* corn
- it is a grain not a veggie
- corn derivatives like high-fructose corn syrup are killing our children with obesity and as a result diabetes

I should mention that nobody is perfect when it comes to eating well, especially me. The idea is to stay as true to a natural diet as possible so when you do screw up at a party you are not going to fall into a diabetic coma.

Before TV and computers do you know what people did when it got dark? They slept! They slept for about 10 hours a day compared to our current norm of 5-7.

In fact, Sleep is so important to weight loss and physical health that preventing it was a favorite torture method of the Soviets. Your body needs sleep to recover from damage and stress, it is how you repair yourself. Forget about late night TV and go to bed early. You will lose weight and feel better almost immediately.

Did you know that Cuban Olympic weight lifters used to sleep 9 hours a day and then nap for 3 hours? I leaned that from Dan John's site. They did this to recover from the stress of training and to keep their weight down to stay competitive in their class. I actually tried this for a few weeks a while back and never felt better. It was unreal!

Imagine a world of no cars. A world where if you needed to go across town you actually walked there, even if it took a few days. Maybe you rode a horse instead, but that is still fairly physical. Not to mention that they actually had to physically work each and every day just to survive. From hunting to building to carrying things, people burned some serious calories just living. Today people sit on their asses all day and then might hit the gym for an hour or so before going back to sitting. Unless you are moving for 8 hours a day you are sedentary, so stop thinking your 3x a week gym schedule should be getting you lean!

You need to train hard and often to really be physically fit. Unless you are an elite athlete you should vary your activities as much as possible. I recommend six days a week of good solid activity and one day a week of pure rest. Our lives are incredibly sedentary so six days a week of varied activity will not be too much as long as you are sleeping and eating correctly. Before you surf along to a website that tells you it is OK to not exercise often and you can have abs too, remember that you can make exercise fun. It doesn't have to be a chore. Here is some direction:

* Sprints, 1-2 time a week
* Lift heavy stuff, 3 time a week
* Lift light stuff for high reps, 2-3 times a week
* Long slow cardio, hiking or biking, not jogging, 1 time a week
* Play, 1-4 times a week
- sports, goof around on a jungle gym, just have fun with your workouts!
* Take the stairs
* Walk or bike to work
* Go for a walk at lunch time
* Find excuses to exercise without exercising!

To sum it up, being healthy and looking like it too is really simple.

Eat a diet consisting of natural foods that are high in nutrition and low in empty calories.

Sleep as much as possible, 10 hours is a good start. Just turn off the boob tube and go to bed! Maybe even bring your spouse with you there a little early;)

Exercise hard and often but make it fun. Join a sports team, go for hikes with your significant other, and don't be afraid to lift some iron to keep that muscle on. Vary your activities so you aren't bored and going through the motions.

In summary, do exactly the opposite of what all the fat people are doing and you will look and feel great.

Original article source: http://kettlebellplanet.blogspot.com/2010/05/eat-sleep-and-play-to-be-young-and-fit.html

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cooking Healthy on the Paleo Diet

Paleo Weight Loss :

The Paleo diet is a nutritional program that was designed after the eating habits of the hunter-gatherer society.  This diet includes only those foods that were available in ancient times and excludes processed, sugar-laden and high salt foods.  It is based on the concept that the hunter-gatherer society had the ability to scavenge for edible plants and animals from the wild for their food.

Cooking Healthy on the Paleo Diet

Benefits of the Hunter-Gatherer Diet

The Paleo diet is believed to be a healthy nutritional plan because it decreases toxin intake and promotes weight loss.  It can increase your energy, strengthen the immune system, improve your sex drive, and give you clearer, smoother skin.  It also reportedly prevents maladies such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, stroke, obesity and acne. 

Excluded ingredients for the Paleo Diet

Foods that were not available during the ancient times of the hunter-gather society are excluded from this healthy diet.  Those foods include a variety of beans such as snow peas, kidney beans, lentils, and string beans.  Also excluded are grains used for breads, cereals and pastas, along with potatoes, sweet potatoes, cashews and peanuts.

Acceptable Ingredients for the Paleo Diet

In cooking for this nutritional diet, acceptable foods include lean meats, eggs, fish, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts.  Typical meats that are used come from large animals, wild game, and chicken, and organs such as liver and kidneys are also acceptable.  Vegetables include leeks and mushrooms, along with root vegetables such as carrots, turnips, parsnips and rutabagas.  A variety of nuts such as almonds, walnuts, macadamias and Brazil nuts are acceptable, as are fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, lemons and limes. 

Tasty Cooking for the Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet can be a very delicious nutritional program for those who learn how to be creative with the acceptable ingredients.  When healthier ingredients are substituted for traditional items, dishes that are both flavorful and nourishing can result.  Avocado or olive oil can be used instead of butter, and nut milk or coconut milk will substitute nicely for regular milk.  Fruit juices such as limes, lemons, oranges and grapes can be used in place of vinegars and sweeteners.  Common spices such as basil, nutmeg, ginger, and garlic are all acceptable for use with this diet, and a variety of peppers will add a little flair to Paleo recipes.  Cooking for the Paleo diet will provide fun and interesting ways to create very tasty dishes. 

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Paleo Food List You Can Follow

Paleo Weight Loss :

The Paleo diet is gaining popularity as people begin to realize the advantages that it can provide for the body. Although considered a caveman diet because of its primitive origins, it does produce quite effective results that even diet experts are willing to admit. But those new to the concept are still wondering what the Paleo foods list really consists of.

A Paleo Food List You Can Follow

The Evolution of Eating

The modern world is full of foods that are often already unhealthy for the body. Since the modern man is often too busy to prepare their own meals, they do not have much of a choice. As such, eating instant foods and dining at fast food chains has become much of the norm and has also caused the number of obese people to steadily increase over the years and it is now even affecting children!

The Paleolithic people, on the other hand, did not have these conveniences and this is also why they were free from modern health problems such as obesity and osteoporosis. If you're looking for a hint, it was their food. The food they consumed lacked the ingredients which fill the modern diet such as preservatives and other processed ingredients. Their food choices were healthier and despite living in highly stressful environments, they lived very healthy lives.

The Paleolithic Diet

So what is included in the Paleo diet? There are differences between the actual foods that the cavemen ate and the foods we currently consume. Otherwise, no modern person would choose to follow this kind of diet. Here is a fairly short list of what is included in the Paleo foods list.

Beans are just some of the foods that cavemen did not include in their diet but because of their properties they are included in the modern meal plan. Some others include lean meat, fish, fruits, eggs, nuts, herbs, unsweetened coconut milk. You can easily, and even intuitively, guess what foods to eat by simply thinking what kinds of foods were available for the cavemen. This typically includes foods that do not need to be cooked or processed for them to be edible. So fruits such as bananas, apples, grapes and others are very good examples.

It often comes to the attention of people who are just starting out on the Paleo diet that it is fairly difficult to follow. This is mainly due to the fact that they have been so used to eating junk food and enjoyed the convenience that fast food offers. It may be inconvenient at first, especially if the person is surrounded by tempting modern foods, but a few decades later it won't be as inconvenient when the person starts to feel the effects of an unhealthy diet.

The most notable foods that any person should avoid are those laden with preservatives, oils, and other processed ingredients.

As you go about dieting following a paleo lifestyle you may start to notice some changes. The person may feel a variety of things as his or her body adjusts to the new diet, but the person will also notice that he or she is no longer easily hungry. A decrease in carbohydrate intake also means an increase in energy as your body starts to convert fat for energy. This has the amazing side effect of weight loss. Another advantage of this diet is that there is no required schedule to eat or strict compliance to the amount of calories and this is exactly why so many people love this diet.

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to Become a Wellness Coach

Paleo Weight Loss :

Since switching careers in 2005 I've found it absolutely astonishing the amount of questions I continually get from people interested in becoming a wellness coach. Back when I was in the environmental software industry I can't remember one time that a person had asked me to provide an informational interview! Now it seems that I get a request for this at least monthly - and I love sharing what I do.

How to Become a Wellness Coach

With all these requests in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to share my experience with wellness coaching, provide some background on what exactly coaching is, and give those of you with interest in learning more a foundation for making decisions as to how you might want to move forward.

What is a Wellness Coach?

This is an excellent question and a good starting point for these discussions. 'Wellness' has become a popular word as of late - and it carries with it a vast array of meanings based on who you talk to. Wellness coaches support their clients in creating lifestyle change such that they get more of their definition of wellness into their lives. You notice that I emphasize a key element of coaching is to listen to and understand how the client defines wellness as that is really what is important to improve their life.

How does a Wellness Coach differ from a Nutritionist or Trainer?

There are many Wellness Coaches that are nutritionists and personal trainers, however not all trainers and nutritionists are Wellness Coaches (and vice versa). The biggest difference is the approach that is taken towards achieving goals. A personal trainer is typically hired to provide guidance, motivation, education, hands on support and to tell you how to achieve your goals. This support is very appropriate in many cases. A nutritionist has a similar function, they are trained to provide information, guidance and design a recipe for success when someone has very specific dietary needs and goals. Again, they serve a fantastic role in supporting their clients through the questions they have.

A Wellness Coach takes a much different approach when working with clients. Fundamentally a coach assumes that you have your own answers. Certainly there are opportunities for education and sharing information when appropriate (and this information should be shared only in the coaches areas of expertise), however the focus of a wellness coach is one of empowering the client to clearly see for themselves the most appropriate path forward such that they can make sustainable, long term lifestyle changes. This is much different than telling them what they need to do today. It involves discussing goals, a vision, and designing a plan together.

A wellness coach will ask empowering questions to the client that re-enforce their compelling reasons to make healthy lifestyle decisions rather than telling them the reason why they should make change. A coach will provide tools for motivation, goal setting, self discovery and embrace the fact that no two clients will need to have the same approach in making lifestyle change. As you can see the quality and depth of conversation that a wellness coach and a trainer will be very different.

Corporate and Private opportunities for Wellness Coaching?

10 years ago, there were very few people operating under the title of 'Wellness Coach'. For that matter the term 'Life Coach' was extremely rare to come by as well - both are careers that have been recognized in the mainstream today. Many Wellness Coaches operate their own business. They draw from their background, market themselves, and present a coaching offering to clients that benefit from their services. Typically a wellness coach will work with clients in the area of nutrition, exercise, weight control, stress management, and some coach on areas of relationships, sleep quality, disease management, and life balance. If you are interested in knowing the specific areas that a coach focuses on - refer to his/her biography, as the topics can vary. Generally speaking, unless the coach is branching out into other talents/markets, they tend to focus on these primary areas.

With the growing trends towards increased longevity and increased waist size - it seems that the market for these talents would be huge. The truth is that there is a huge need - however as a new occupation just gaining recognition in the mainstream society you still see relatively few wellness coaches in relation to conventional healthcare practitioners, nutritionists, trainers etc. This is often why you see many coaches wear multiple hats.

Many more opportunities are beginning to arise in the corporate environment. A number of progressive companies (including Sutter Health in Northern California) are recognizing the value of designing healthy lifestyle's as a preventative measure such to curb escalating health care costs. A handful of employers are offering wellness coaching programs as an employee incentive. Its simply good business to show this commitment to their employees. Implementing Wellness Coaching programs creates a corporate culture of health and wellness, it facilitates learning, and most importantly is welcomed by employees looking for the key to making sustainable lifestyle changes.

For those wondering if they can get a job with a company offering these services, you may find that these corporate jobs at the moment are few and far between (but there are always opportunities if you create them). I personally expect a number of new wellness initiatives to explode in corporate America within the next decade. A large part of this will be varieties of wellness coaching programs.

What kind of training do you need to be a Wellness Coach?

A good question to ask is what differentiates a wellness coach from a nutritionist or trainer. The fact of the matter is that there are no 'requirements' for an individual to label their business as 'coaching'. We see this trend in executive coaching, life coaching, business coaching, and real estate coaching. There are no laws that require a certain certification to call yourself a coach in any field! So go ahead and call yourself a coach - but be ready to explain why you are a coach and not a trainer etc. when someone asks (obviously this is not my recommendation).

So that is interesting - then what kind of training do I typically need. Well a strong foundation in nutrition, exercise physiology, stress management, or combination of these will be a great starting point. To truly master coaching, I would recommend going through an accredited coach training program to learn the keys to communicating as a coach and supporting people in finding their own answers. Typically one of these courses takes 12 months to 3 years as they require a number of practical application hours as well. There are a variety of programs with different emphasis, so my suggestion is to find one that fits well with you.

There are programs specifically tailored for wellness coaches to learn the fundamentals of coaching in relation to health and wellness. These tend to be shorter courses (on the range of 3-6 months) and are not accredited by the major credentialing organizations. The most popular example is wellcoaches - an online/on phone training program that gives you the basics and foundation of becoming a coach. This is a great start - my personal preference is a full life coach training program as it goes into great depth for developing listening schools and understanding client perspectives and I found the program I attended to be absolutely fantastic.

As a side note - I strongly believe that within the next 10 years we will also see a change in the coaching industry. The International Coach Federation and other credentialing agencies are pushing strongly to honor and recognize the title of 'Coach' or- similar to that of RDA, MFT etc. The current credentials available through the ICF are ACC (associate certified coach), PCC (professional certified coach) and MCC (master certified coach).

The Future of Wellness Coaching

Having a private business and working in the corporate environment I've seen huge changes in the past couple years alone. I have no reason to believe that wellness coaching will slow its pace of growth. As I introduced this article, I mentioned how often I am asked the question of what it is that I do and how can I get involved. This is exciting to me as it shows me how much interest and concern there is in changing our countries wellness perspective. This is exciting to me and seeing the shift in our mentality and lifestyle to one of prevention rather than treatment is a huge step in the right direction.

For those of you interested in knowing more about coaching, there are numerous articles posted throughout this website on coaching models, how to create lifestyle change and personal development. I hope you find these resources useful in your journey in wellness.

"If you've found this site useful, please link to it so that others can benefit!"

Be Well

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Friday, July 13, 2012

How To Start a Running Program

Paleo Weight Loss :

Running or jogging is one of the best ways there is to lose weight fast. It burns tons of calories and gets your body burning fat. Running strengthens the heart, lungs and can be done just about anywhere at anytime.

How To Start a Running Program

The problem is most people don't know where to begin and usually do it wrong.

In this article I am going to show you an effective way to start a running or jogging program without killing yourself.

The first mistake people make when they begin a running or jogging program is that they run too fast. This will leave you out of breath and spent in about 5 or 10 minutes. When this happens people generally think to themselves that anyone who runs is crazy or likes punishing themselves.

This simply is not true. Once I found out how to run properly, I was able to run a few miles with ease and comfort.

I had been running for about a month and was up to two miles. But at the end of these two miles, I felt as if I was going to keel over and die. My legs hurt. My lungs hurt. Everything felt wrong.

I thought I would just keep running these two miles until it became easier, but it never did. It got harder, if anything.

Then I heard about a guy named Stu Mittleman. This guy had run from San Diego to New York in 56 days. Basically Stu ran two marathons a day for 56 days. So I bought his book called Slow Burn and it completely changed any negative feelings I had about running.

The first thing I did was bought a heart rate monitor. This cost around 100 dollars and was the best purchase I have ever made. It allowed me to monitor my heart rate and stay at a comfortable running level, even while running up hills.

What I did, was started running at 50 to 70% of my maximum heart rate. At first, I felt like I was going too slow and not getting a good workout. But within a week, I was able to run 4 miles without any problems. The best thing was that after the four miles, I felt incredible. Instead of feeling like I was going to die before, I actually felt better.

To find your targeted heart rate zone, do the following:

Subtract your age from 220. Then multiply this by .50 and .70 and that will give you your targeted zone.

Example: Age 28

220-28 = 192

192 x .50 = 96

192 x .70 = 134

By this example, if you are 28, then you should be running in the heart rate zone of 96 to 134. To make it easier to remember, just round it up to 100-135.

If you are running in this zone, you will probably be very comfortable and be able to run a good distance.

You see, the problem people usually face is that they start off running too fast. You just need to slow down. It isn't necessarily how hard you run, but that you are moving as much as possible, as often as possible.

Once you begin to add mileage, you will get in better shape and be running faster anyways. You just won't be working any harder. Your body will adapt, and you will begin to move more efficiently, without more effort.

This program worked perfect for me, and has turned me into a runner for life. I hope it does the same for you.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

What Is the Paleo Diet All About?

Paleo Weight Loss :

So just what is the Paleo Diet and what exactly is it all about?

What Is the Paleo Diet All About?

Thanks to the obscene levels of obesity and rife levels of heart disease and diabetes, there has never been a greater focus on overall society to become fit, slimmer and more healthy. Dieting and nutritional lifestyle choices have become endless and it would be fair to say that dieting in one way or another is now a way of life for the majority of people. And there are so, so many diets and programs available to us these days. They cover every topic known to man on the right foods to eat and avoid and in what combination but really, upon searching deeper, we will find that the answers we seek go back to our caveman ancestors.

With this endless choice and all the varying options and rules involved in each particular diet, it pays to really understand what each diet entails before you choose one and get started. It must be right for you and give you everything you need or are looking for without causing any additional problems or side effects.

Upon investigation you will see that many popular diets restrict carbohydrates or focus on fruit and vegetables. Other diets focus on only eating a certain food group or even raw foods only. Several also restrict or discourage large amounts of protein and meats. The Paleo Diet is quite unique however because the whole idea comes from simulating the natural aspects of the type of diet enjoyed by the very first humans - the caveman! What Is The Paleo Diet?

What is the Paleo Diet and where does it come from?

Known commonly as The Stone Age, Paleo comes from the Paleolithic period of history and the Paleo diet eating plan is often known as the "Hunter Gatherer Diet." It takes its name from the fact that all the food contained in this diet were either able to be hunted or gathered. Meats and Seafood come under the hunted category meanwhile nuts, vegetables and fruits for example are categorized under gathered.

Basically, this diet stems from the fact that early humans who had no access to or knowledge of animal husbandry and agriculture, had a diet that you either hunted or gathered for yourself. The Paleo Diet applies this slant and line of thinking to modern-day foods reducing and eliminating processed and man-made foods. This does not mean you are expected to hunt and gather for yourself! Just only that the nutrition choices we make are as natural and unaltered as possible.

The base foundation of the Paleo eating plan is that humans are genetically suited to eat the foods that our ancestors consumed. Therefore, before the introduction of agriculture, nutrition and food was so much different than that of today so in short, the Paleo diet imitates the foods that every single human on earth consumed and had available at that particular time.

Not only is the Paleo eating plan full of quality, natural, high nutritional value foods such as fruits and vegetables along with seafood and lean meats but it is perhaps known better for the foods, drinks and ingredients that are not consumed by those on the Paleo Diet. As the agriculture revolution provided us with foods our early ancestors never had such as dairy products, salt, sugar and even grains, they are not allowed to be consumed. Not only do some of these ingredients and food stuffs cause digestive problems but these products have been shown through endless research that they can lead to an increase in weight and a higher chance of developing health problems such as diabetes.

Because of its high protein content the Paleo nutritional lifestyle has a large and steadily growing athlete following. Thanks to the basic foods in the Paleo diet such as chicken, fish, lean meats, nuts, fruits and vegetables it is an athlete's dream providing energy, muscle development and fiber along with the reduction of all weight gaining and physique robbing junk food and unhelpful ingredients.

Most vegetables are great for the Paleo lifestyle however root vegetables will give you the biggest bang for your buck health wise. One of the most basic reasons why the Paleo diet lifestyle is healthy for you is simply because you practically reduce all additives and artificial preservatives, many of which have been proven to be harmful to your health.

So that's the basic premise which hopefully answers your question, What is the Paleo diet eating plan all about yet you may still be questioning why you would make the significant switch to the Paleo Diet.

There are many health benefits associated with this diet and not the least of them is potential relief for allergy sufferers thanks to the fact that the Paleo is naturally allergen free. Two of the biggest causes of common allergies, gluten and casein, are commonly found in manufactured foods. Because the overwhelming majority of foods available on the Paleo diet do not contain either gluten or casein, allergy sufferers can rejoice!

But don't forget about the weight loss potential for those on the Paleo. Apart from the protein aspect which is great for weight loss alone, the Paleo diet is naturally low in carbohydrates and has a low caloric count. It is also naturally high in fiber which is a crucial factor when it comes to over eating and weight loss. The low carbohydrates combined with the high amounts of natural fiber while on this diet ensures that the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and other weight related illnesses and ailments is decreased.

Last but not least, this diet has none of the other big risks when it comes to heart disease and cancer like additives, sugar, salt, saturated fats and of course the big one getting a heap of exposure in recent years, hydrogenated oils or trans fats as they are commonly known.

At first glance, the Paleo Diet lifestyle can seem like a hard choice to make with limited food options however if you look closer and explore a little deeper, those fears will be addressed and upon making some small worthy sacrifices you will be bettering your chance of actually living a healthier and happier, disease free life! And just remember that as close as you can get to this lifestyle choice, the benefits will start to appear.

Like as in exercise, 5 sit-ups is better than zero and going for a 20 minute walk is better than sitting on the couch! Same thing goes for the Paleo! Although following the diet 100% is ideal, your body will still start to thank you for every single step you take in living the ideals of the Paleo Diet!

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Eating Caveman Style: Paleo Diet Food List and Example Menu

Paleo Weight Loss :

How good are you at visualizing things in your head? Are you excellent, moderately good, bad or even incredibly bad? I can see that you're already racking your brains on the reason why I am asking such a question.

Eating Caveman Style: Paleo Diet Food List and Example Menu

Okay, envision this. Your front door bell rings and you open it to find your great grand ancestor from the Paleolithic age positioned outside and staring right at your face.

You bring him indoors and you can almost hear his stomach snarling with hunger. What can you offer him to eat? You look around and serve him whatever edible stuff you can grab, like say a bowl of pasta, some turkey thighs (beautifully deep-fried in oil) and possibly a Pepsi to wash it all down.

His first instinct would be to smell your food and within moments toss the bowl away. Even though he can't speak your language, he's made himself very clear that he doesn't approve of the dish in the least. You must come up with something quick in order to eliminate his hunger.

Paleo Diet Food list

Well, I admit that I did take the role-playing component too far, and there's simply no possibility of you (or anyone of us from this century) ever having to deal with such a distinguished visitor. Nevertheless this kind of exercise surely must have set your brain cells ticking to know more about the Paleo diet plan.

Brushing Up On the Essentials of the Paleo Diet

Okay, so that you can attempt to set up a good quality and delicious entree for your Prehistoric ancestor, you have to keep the principles from the eating habits during that time in mind. The Caveman diet was purely a high protein and low carb diet.

So that implies your Paleo diet food list should have nothing to do with any grains (whole or refined or prepared), legumes or even milk products.

Alright, so what will you be left with? Actually plenty of stuff, for example meats of all types, seafood of all types as well as delectable fruit and veggies. A few bonuses may be added like natural oils (either coconut or extra virgin olive oil), a few nuts etc. No condiments are allowed, so keep the table salt as well as white sugar away from your dining room table.

Say good bye to your milk products and all your carbonated, alcoholic and caffeinated refreshments too. Really the only drink that's permitted is ordinary drinking water and coconut water.

Paleo Diet Example Menu

OK now that you know what to buy from your market, you only require an example menu for the major meals and snacks during the day.


Why don't we begin from the beginning and check out the breakfast menu. So what do you have in your refrigerator? Hmm, you have eggs, a lot of carrots, spinach, beautiful tomatoes and a pile of fruits. So how about whipping up a colorful omelette for breakfast and initiate the day with a brilliant start?

Add finely chopped spinach, carrots, beet, and tomatoes to your whipped egg and have your healthy omelette, ready within seconds. You can add a fruit of your choosing to your menu and wash down all of the meal with a cup of coconut water.

Mid-Morning Treat

Your tummy has already been protesting and asking for some snack foods. The time has come when you do not want to fill yourself up with food items, so maybe biting into a fresh fruit would be far easier to suit your needs. Apples, cantaloupes, all types of berries or even cherries will certainly do the job for you.


Display your true Caveman colors and get the meats, fish and some genuine food items on your plate for lunch. Your options will be grilled salmon, or any sort of grilled meat, with a large bowl of mixed veggie salad to go with it. Remember no dressing up your greens with fancy salad dressings. Keep it simplistic as well as minimalistic, hence organic olive oil is definitely the best bet.

Afternoon Snack

Raw carrots as well as celery would be a good option. Or perhaps you might opt for a blended vegetable soup or chicken soup alternatively.


The evening meal was the time to feast on the day's hunt in the Caveman period. So if you have an appetite, you are able to choose steaks or grilled seafood or pork chops. Just make sure that you include a lot of vegetables as a side dish or salad to keep your digestive system moving and also to prevent irregularity.

Evening Snack

If you are accustomed to eating late night snack foods, then try eating some fruit that is not so sweet. Grapefruit or tangerines will be a good option.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How to Lose Weight Doing the Paleo Diet

Paleo Weight Loss :

Perhaps you've heard of the Paleo Diet. Perhaps you haven't. Maybe you're someone who's grown tired of fighting a never-ending battle of the bulge, a battle that you're losing, and you're looking for a new way of healthy eating that will help you get in better shape. It could even be that you've heard a lot of hullabaloo about eating Paleo foods and simply want to learn more. Whatever your reason is for coming here, we're here to help you determine if the Paleo Diet is right for you.

How to Lose Weight Doing the Paleo Diet

The diet takes its name from the Paleolithic period of history, which lasted for approximately 2.5 million years and ended around 10,000 years ago. The Paleo Diet has also been called Neanderthin, the Stone Age diet, the caveman diet, and the hunter-gatherer diet.

In simple terms, the Paleo Diet is one that is based on consuming the foods that our hunter-gatherer ancestors supposedly ate-things like fish, grass-fed meats, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and roots. It does NOT include grains, refined sugars, salt, or processed oil. There is also some debate as to whether or not dairy products (milk, cheese, butter, yogurt) should be consumed. In a nutshell, the diet is high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

So are you wondering what you can eat on the Paleo Diet? Specifically, you can eat meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and berries, fruits and nuts, and dairy-depending on whether or not you are lactose-intolerant. You can NOT eat grains (barley, wheat, rice, etc.) and corn, starchy vegetables like potatoes and yams, refined sugar, legumes (beans, peanuts, cashews, soy products, etc.), and chemical food additives. If you must use salt, do it in moderation. The same goes for processed foods and artificial sweeteners like aspartame and the like. Think about it this way, basically you can eat anything that our ancestors could catch with a spear or pick from a tree or bush.

By eating a diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates and processed foods, your body will turn to burning fat for energy. This is because it will no longer rely on sugars, starches, and complex carbohydrates for energy. This means that after your body uses the energy in the foods you've consumed, it will then use the stored fat in your body for energy-hence the subsequent weight loss that comes with eating a high protein, low carbohydrate diet, such as the Paleo Diet.

In summary, eating a high protein low carbohydrate diet like the Paleo Diet, or even adopting it as a lifestyle rather than a diet, will allow your body will become better at burning fat and help you shed your excess weight easily.

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

How to Lose Weight With the God-Given Plan

Paleo Weight Loss :

I've struggled with my weight since I was about 14 years old. At 14, I was 5 feet 7 inches tall (the height I am now) and when I weighed in at the varsity sports physical (held in the library in front of everyone), I was 150 lbs. I've never been a skinny waif, but I was never considered "fat" either. I was athletic and muscular and well, big-boned! Nevertheless, the shock on the athletic director's face when she saw how much I weighed was enough to make me cry!

How to Lose Weight With the God-Given Plan

Since then, I've dieted and exercised and over-dieted and over-exercised. I've had seven babies and been pregnant with two others (for a brief shining moment), and so have had the hormonal and weight changes that go along with that. I've never been extremely happy with my body, but I've never been so unhappy either that I'm willing to starve or have some kind of eating disorder.

I've recently lost two pants sizes. I have no idea how much weight I've lost because I don't own a scale. But I definitely needed to lose some, because I was wearing a pants size that I've never had to wear before! Rather than starve myself and sign up for a gym (I hate to spend money on stuff like that), I decided to take a more God-given approach.

First, I really hate to exercise. I don't mean that I like to sit around all day, but I like my exercise to have a purpose. When we lived in Vermont, I used to stack wood and carry wood into the house and haul water down to animals. I lived on the side of the hill, so even getting to the mailbox was exercise. I live in the city now and still have a large garden that needs hoeing and weeding, but the other activity simply isn't there. So I had to adjust.

Since I'm still not going to join a gym and I still hate taking a walk just for the point of taking a walk, I've tried to add activity and exercise to everything (well, not everything) I do. Since we live in the middle of a wonderful downtown area, we walk everywhere. I love to walk with a purpose. We walk to Jack's soccer games. We walk to one of the three playgrounds near us. We walk to the pool. We walk along the trail to the bike shop, the boat launch or the ice cream shop (where I very patiently only eat the last couple of bites of Kiara or Seamus' ice cream and forego a treat for myself!).

I've also started instituting a little exercise routine into more boring parts of my day. I still dry my hair with a blow dryer. No, it's not very frugal or green. I know that. But I'm growing it out and until it grows out, I have to dry it or I'm frizz central. Which I just hate. So there. You caught me! But while I'm drying my hair and brushing my teeth, I raise up and down on my toes 30 times. Sounds silly, I know. But I haven't had a defined calf muscle in probably ten years and after doing this for two months, I do. I also do 20 leg lifts on both sides while I'm blow drying. Silly? Sure. But something has to account for those pant size drops because I still eat ice cream before bed two or three times a week!

If I'm feeling really energetic, I'll lay down and do a bunch of stomach crunches and weight lift with some 8 lb weights that came with our house for about 10 minutes. I probably do this 3-4 times a week. And while I'm waiting for the coffee to brew in the morning, if Seamus isn't too grouchy, I'll do 20-30 deep squats right there in the kitchen. It's usually about 5 am so no one else sees me.

I try to do these things in little spurts because the idea of "working out" for 30 or 60 minutes at a time not only sounds mind-numbingly boring to me, but is virtually impossible because someone is always needing something!

I've also changed the way I look at food. I was always a pleasure and comfort eater. Now I try and look at things in a more centered way. I figure that God and Mother Nature came up with a plan for what humans should eat and they provided us with it - as well as the tools and knowledge to grow more. If it doesn't grow in the ground or doesn't eat what grows in the ground, I try not to eat it. By looking at our food as what it is, simple fuel, and not as a reward, punishment, comfort or anything else, I have found that I eat a lot less and eat much more of the things that are good for me.

I eat much less refined sugar now than I used to. I used to not be able to pass by a plate of cookies or brownies and now I have no trouble. By simple changing my perception of food and being happy with what is provided, I find that I have fewer cravings and fewer "needs" for what really are "bad" foods.

I also found that my nature is to not be wasteful. I was hollered at forever as a child to "clear my plate" and "eat all I take." What I started doing as a grown-up was eating everything my kids left on their plates too, so it wouldn't go to waste! Ugh! They were perfectly healthy, eating what they needed, and here was their vacuum cleaner mom, still trying to please her parents with perfect plates. Once I realized just how many crusts of PB&J I was eating, I realized that it's OK to be a little wasteful sometimes.

Now, I am not perfect! I do not eat salad three times a day! But I've cut out all refined flour from our diets except for pasta once a week and I've tried to eliminate refined sugar from everything I eat and drink. I only drink coffee and water during the day - no more soda (especially diet soda which I'm convinced makes you fatter) and I have a glass of wine or two with my hubby on a date night once a month or on a weekend. I do put lemon juice in my water occasionally, just for something different.

Why do I call this a God-Given diet? Because I believe God has given us all the tools we need to be healthy and the weight we need to be. We just have to embrace real food and take our exercise opportunities when we can, as often as we can.

"For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not busy at work, but busybodies. Now such persons we command and encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and to earn their own living" - 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat After Baby

Paleo Weight Loss :

The average weight gain during pregnancy is 25 to 35 pounds. If you were overweight before becoming pregnant you may have gained more. We are all familiar with the phrase, "eating for two," and sometimes it is very much the case once you realize just how much weight you have gained after having your baby. Regardless of how many pounds you put on, you definitely want to find a way to lose belly fat after baby.

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat After Baby

The good news is that the fat surrounding the belly (visceral fat) may be some of the first fat to burn in comparison to other areas of the body. The fat around our stomachs reacts better in terms of physical activity. As you lose weight, you will more than likely notice the reduction in your belly before any other area. Let's take a look at the best way to get started.

Your Way of Eating is the Key

80% of your weight loss will be determined by your diet. The term diet is not meant in terms of the fad diets you may come across. The term is meant as a lifestyle change. For example, some people become vegetarians or a raw foodist. Others simply choose to eat healthier. Those are examples of eating for life and not for the short-term.

One diet that I've been reading up on is said to make losing fat almost effortless. It is called the paleo diet or caveman diet. This way of eating avoids grains, processed foods (bread, baked goods, pasta, etc.,) and refined sugar. The food eaten in this diet include lean meat, fresh veggies, fruit, and nuts. I suggest doing much more research on this diet, but in my opinion, it is probably one of the best in terms of weight loss.

Perform the Exercises that Burn Fat Best

Women tend to enjoy cardio exercises much more than lifting weights. While cardio can help you lose weight, it backfires if you become a cardio junkie and never perform strength training. Too much cardio can cause our bodies to take energy from our muscles. However, we should be building more muscle as it is much more effective in burning fat. One pound of muscle burns more calories than one pound of fat.

You can combine cardio and weights for a full body workout. This is better known as interval training or circuit training. It is an efficient fat burning workout that takes no longer than 45 minutes per session.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

How To Become Slim When Your Health Is On The Line

Paleo Weight Loss :

Question: Have you ever been in a life or death situation because you put your health issues on the back burner? I have.

How To Become Slim When Your Health Is On The Line

I tried every diet under the sun and I even went to a physician-supervised weight loss clinic, but I failed miserably. You know why? I kept cheating and it just made my situation worse.

Apparently, the accountability factor had little impact on me even as I kept searching for the quickest way to lose belly fat.

Ironically, the physician-supervised clinic was the place I got found out. My blood pressure was off the charts. It was so high they couldn't even read it.

I guess it was a good thing I got caught because now I had to deal with a problem many people have - AVOIDANCE. I used my own home-made plan to learn how to become slim:

  • No carb diet plans
  • Cinnamon weight loss plans
  • Paleo weight loss plans
  • Fish oil weight loss plans

If you are in serious trouble and you know you need to do something about it, there's always hope. It's hard to understand why we do the dumb things we do.

As I thought about my situation, I realized how stupid my rationalization was. I didn't want to go to the doctor's office because I didn't want him telling me I needed to lose weight and lower my cholesterol.

As it turned out, my blood pressure was doing the real damage. I put my kidneys under tremendous strain and I have to deal with the consequences.

You probably have some time on your side. Do the right thing and visit your doctor. Get your vital information laid out for you and deal with the cards dealt you. That's the only way to move forward.

It's no fun being overweight or obese and it really doesn't matter how you got there. The most important thing you can do is take baby steps and get bolder as you begin to feel better.

I can almost promise you the thing that is preventing from losing weight is junk food. I cannot buy junk food because it will be gone quickly. Do you find yourself in this position? I thought so!

Don't blame anyone else. This is on you and no one else. No one can change your mind; you have to do that for yourself. If you want to learn how to become slim, reassess all the food you are eating.

Can you give up foods right now without substituting it for other bad food? You will be amazed how easy it will be to lose belly fat when you take matters into your own hands. Good luck.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Rapid Weight Loss on the Palaeolithic Diet

Paleo Weight Loss :

For those of you who want to lose weight fast, but in a safe and effective way, the Palaeolithic Diet has a lot going for it. The book, by Dr Loren Cordain explains that the human genome has changed very little in the last 40 thousand years, and that we are essentially Stone Age people living in a modern world. He further states that we really should be easting a diet based on that of our ancestors, and not the carbohydrate packed, refined and processed foods we currently consume.

Rapid Weight Loss on the Palaeolithic Diet

Wheat for example, has only been eaten in its cultivated form for around 10 thousand years, since the first farms sprung up in the Middle East. Humans have not adapted to consume these products and they do little for our general health and fitness, and in many cases, do us significant harm, in terms of obesity and related illnesses.

The Paleo Diet advocates a diet rich in lean protein, fresh vegetable, nuts, and fruit, similar to the diet our ancient ancestors would have eaten on a daily basis. The great thing about the diet is that it does allow 'cheat meals', perhaps one a week if you are needing to lose significant amounts of weight, and up to 2 or 3 if you are just in weight maintenance mode.

The diet does not include grains, pulses, or dairy, but having been on it for a few months; I really grew to enjoy it. I ate a lot of stir fries, salads, sea foods, and lean meats. Once one gets into the swing of things, it really is a delightfully effective diet. The extra protein satiates your appetite wonderfully, so you are never hungry. The gradual, but consistent weight loss is very rewarding, and you should be able to reach a lean, athletic weight in a matter of a few months. And all this without the awful tedium and hunger pangs of traditional diets. Give it a try; you'll be pleased you did.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Sample Menu For Mayo Clinic Diet - Foods You Can Eat While on This Weight Loss Program

Paleo Weight Loss :

Do you want to have a look on what consists of a Mayo Clinic Diet? Here is a sample menu:

Sample Menu For Mayo Clinic Diet - Foods You Can Eat While on This Weight Loss Program

o For breakfast: black coffee or tea, 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 1/2 grapefruit or 4-8 oz. unsweetened grapefruit juice
o For lunch: meat of any style and any amount, 1/2 grapefruit or 4-8 oz. unsweetened grapefruit juice, salad or raw vegetables with any kind of dressing in an unlimited amount
o For dinner: meat or fish of any style and any amount, 1/2 grapefruit or 4 oz. glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice, vegetables cooked in butter and seasoned.
o For bedtime snack: 1 glass skim milk or 1 glass tomato juice.

The weight pyramid of the clinic is the basis of the diet plan. The benefits of the Mayo Clinic Diet include the following:

o It puts emphasis on the importance on the consumption of vegetables and fruits because these are good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. The dieter will be consuming a large quantity from this type of food. Grains are categorized in the less side of the pyramid. In order to promote the proper digestion of food, you must eat fruits and vegetables.
o It is known to promote the less caffeine, sugar preservative way of eating.
o In accordance to the sample meal plan, it is recommended that you monitor your food intake. You must base it on a 1200-calorie diet on the weight pyramid.
o There will be a series of exercise regimens for faster weight loss. It can be tiring at first, but once you get the hang of it, it will get easier in time.
o You will have access to a variation of vitamins and minerals found in the meals.

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Weight Loss Shakes Comparison - A Look at Atkins, Slim Fast, and Medifast Shakes

Paleo Weight Loss :

Of all of the questions that I get about medifast and other diets, people ask about the shakes most of all. I think that it's very appealing to think that a product that's so convenient and decent tasting can compose a large part of your diet plan and weight loss. I'm often asked about the differences between many of the popular diet shakes on the market. So, in the following article, I will compare three popular shakes (atkins, slim fast, and medifast) in terms of taste, calories, protein, carbs, and sugar.

Weight Loss Shakes Comparison - A Look at Atkins, Slim Fast, and Medifast Shakes

Atkins Diet Shakes: First up, I'm going to look at the atkins shakes. I'm going to use the standard chocolate flavor for all of these products because I want to remain consistent. I'm looking at the advantage milk chocolate product. This shake contains 160 calories, 9 grams of fat, 4 grams of carbs, 1 gram of sugar, and 15 grams of protein. In terms of taste, I find this product to be a bit chalky and to have an almost artificial sweet taste. This product does have an impressive amount of protein, but it's relatively high in calories and fat.

Slim Fast Weight Loss Shakes: When I went to do research for this article, I found that the slim fast shakes had recently been recalled. Still, the nutritional information was still available. I will be looking at the original slim fast milk chocolate shake. This shake checks in with a whopping 220 calories, but has only 3 grams of fat. It has a disturbing 30 grams of carbs and 34 grams of sugars. In its defense, it does have 10 grams of protein. Still, the fat, calories, and the high amount of carbs and sugars will probably run counter to this. And to make matters worse, the taste of this product is by far the chalkiest of all three shakes.

Medifast Weight Loss Shakes: Now, I'll look at the medifast 55 dutch chocolate shake. This one has the least amount of calories - at only 90. There is only 1 gram of fat, 13 grams of carbohydrates, 8 sugars, and 11 grams of protein. This one has the lowest amount of calories and fat by far. And, I find that taste to be the best of the three. I do have to add some extra liquid to this product because I don't like shakes that are too thick, but with that little modification made, this one is my opinion the best tasting of the bunch.

How These Shakes Fit Into A Plan Of Weight Loss Based Partly On Ketosis: Most of these shakes work under two principals. They want to save you calories on your meals and they want to save you sugars and carbs while giving you more protein. The goal here is to get your body into ketosis so that it's able to burn fat instead of sugars and carbs. But to make this happen, you have to do your part by taking in enough protein and by taking in less calories and carbs.

I find it questionable that the slim fast shake would meet this criteria. There is simply too much sugars and calories. The atkins shake is better in this regard, but it still has significantly more calories and a whopping nine grams of fat, which I find pretty problematic. I might be biased because I regularly consume medifast shakes, but I find them to be the winner both in terms of nutrition and taste.

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