The Paleo diet is gaining popularity as people begin to realize the advantages that it can provide for the body. Although considered a caveman diet because of its primitive origins, it does produce quite effective results that even diet experts are willing to admit. But those new to the concept are still wondering what the Paleo foods list really consists of.
The Evolution of Eating
The modern world is full of foods that are often already unhealthy for the body. Since the modern man is often too busy to prepare their own meals, they do not have much of a choice. As such, eating instant foods and dining at fast food chains has become much of the norm and has also caused the number of obese people to steadily increase over the years and it is now even affecting children!
The Paleolithic people, on the other hand, did not have these conveniences and this is also why they were free from modern health problems such as obesity and osteoporosis. If you're looking for a hint, it was their food. The food they consumed lacked the ingredients which fill the modern diet such as preservatives and other processed ingredients. Their food choices were healthier and despite living in highly stressful environments, they lived very healthy lives.
The Paleolithic Diet
So what is included in the Paleo diet? There are differences between the actual foods that the cavemen ate and the foods we currently consume. Otherwise, no modern person would choose to follow this kind of diet. Here is a fairly short list of what is included in the Paleo foods list.
Beans are just some of the foods that cavemen did not include in their diet but because of their properties they are included in the modern meal plan. Some others include lean meat, fish, fruits, eggs, nuts, herbs, unsweetened coconut milk. You can easily, and even intuitively, guess what foods to eat by simply thinking what kinds of foods were available for the cavemen. This typically includes foods that do not need to be cooked or processed for them to be edible. So fruits such as bananas, apples, grapes and others are very good examples.
It often comes to the attention of people who are just starting out on the Paleo diet that it is fairly difficult to follow. This is mainly due to the fact that they have been so used to eating junk food and enjoyed the convenience that fast food offers. It may be inconvenient at first, especially if the person is surrounded by tempting modern foods, but a few decades later it won't be as inconvenient when the person starts to feel the effects of an unhealthy diet.
The most notable foods that any person should avoid are those laden with preservatives, oils, and other processed ingredients.
As you go about dieting following a paleo lifestyle you may start to notice some changes. The person may feel a variety of things as his or her body adjusts to the new diet, but the person will also notice that he or she is no longer easily hungry. A decrease in carbohydrate intake also means an increase in energy as your body starts to convert fat for energy. This has the amazing side effect of weight loss. Another advantage of this diet is that there is no required schedule to eat or strict compliance to the amount of calories and this is exactly why so many people love this diet.
3 Researches REVEAL Why Coconut Oil Kills Fat.
This means that you literally burn fat by eating Coconut Fats (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).
These 3 researches from big medical journals are sure to turn the traditional nutrition world around!