Want to learn the best way to lose 10 pounds fast? This article is designed to be a quick guide to quick weight loss success. Below you'll find 3 of the absolute best tips for boosting your metabolism, burning fat, and losing pounds quickly. After reading this article you should be able to lose about 10 lbs within the next couple of weeks...
3 of the Best Tips for Losing Pounds Fast
1. Focus like a laser beam.
The more you focus your thoughts and energy on losing fat the faster you'll do it. Start by writing out a simple goal statement and reading it several times a day. Spend a few minutes each day "visualizing" yourself 10 pounds lighter and looking/feeling great. Basically do whatever it takes to stay motivated and keep your eye on the prize. Trust me, this stuff works, so be sure to give it a try!
2. Cut all processed foods from your diet.
For the next couple of weeks, cut all the processed foods out of your diet. That includes grains products likes breads and pastas. Also cut out "white" starches like rice and potatoes. Eat mainly natural "paleo" foods: lean proteins, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and healthy oils like olive oil. This kind of natural, healthy diet will help you lose several pounds very quickly.
3. Start doing interval-based exercise every other day.
Do some form of interval exercise every other day. Intervals not only burn a lot of calories, they also speed up the metabolism and cause your body to pump out powerful fat-burning/muscle-boosting hormones. Be sure to do both cardio (e.g. "HIIT") as well as full-body strength training (such as a medium-weight circuit workout).
Want to learn more of the best ways to lose 10 pounds fast? Then be sure to visit the link below...

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